Part 2 | What is That? |
While only half listening the condemnation of an unfair practice where
beer drinkers and cigarette smokers support through exuberant taxes the
frozen yogurt eaters, I've been observing a pair of nicely tanned legs
and a goose bumped skin of a certain young lady who underestimated the
temperature of the Pacific wind.
I can write this because Amelia gave me the permission to observe to my
heart content, even and especially when I'm with her. "Eeet's zeee
Europeean tteeng," is how she nicely put it. She also gave me permission
to sin in my heart, but to be careful what I do with some other organs.
How EB got so fast from the promise of lavish free Roman
style baths and bathrooms to all legal citizens of our Beer
Kingdom to the Art of Theater is a task only he is capable
of. In any case, I did not get any further than the knee in
my observation when he extended both arms towards me and
said: "That's the man!"
Hundreds of people turned and looked at me. That's the man, EB
continued, who once directed a play which entire action takes place in a
public restroom. I opened my mouth to protest that it was all his idea,
that he was the one who brought the play to me, but he continued.
It was a romantic comedy. A wonderful, funny play full of
wonderful ideas. But did the critics mention it? Did they
write reviews? No! They ignored it completely because of its
subject matter. Some things around here are still taboos! But
using the method of moderate progress, we are going to get
rid of those taboos. And how is that going to happen? I'll
tell you dear friends, but only after we hear the monologue
from the show.
And here again he extended his hands towards me. And again everyone
turned to look at me.
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