This is a list of birthdays and other events we try to celebrate. You'll
notice that there are some days when there are two birthdays. In that case
we let the chance decide which one we'll celebrate. One day, when Beer
Kingdom becomes a reality, these days will be National Holidays. Your help
with this list is crucial. At first we were under the impression that EB
himself compiled this list after dubious, serious, and extensive deliberation
and research. Incidentally, we discovered that he inherited the list from, to
use his words, "one of our founding fathers and mothers."

That was the first
time we've heard about
and EB promised to tell us more about them at some better time. In any case,
it appears that this list is not cast in stone, meaning that some
personalities may be dropped from it, and some other added. As you'll find
out, we've already raised our voice demanding that certain changes are
introduced, and EB is, to use his own words again, "seriously considering our
ideas." If you have any information why some people shouldn't be on our list,
and why some others should, e-mail it to us. Please help us enjoy our holidays
and drink without a feeling of guilt.
- 1st. Salinger J.D. (Jerome David) 1919 NYNY
- 3d. Borge Victor 1909 Copenhagen
- 9th. Page Jimmy 1944 Middlesex
- 12th. London Jack 1876 San Francisco
- 12th. Molnar Ferenc, 1878 Budapest
- 15th. Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin) baptized jan 15. 1622
- 19th. Poe Edgar Allen, 1809 Boston
- 19th. Lester Richard, 1932 Philadelphia
- 20th. Fellini Federico, 1920 Rimini
- 24th. Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron 1732 Paris
- 27th. Kern Jerome, 1855 NY
- 28th. Colette (born Sidonie Gabrielle Colette) 1873
- 29th. Lubitsch Ernst, 1892 Berlin
- 29th. Fields W.C. (William Claude Dukenfield) 1880 Philadelphia
- 7th. Charles Dickens, Dickens Charles John Huffon 1812
- 8th. Verne Jules Island Ile Feydeau (?)
- 10th. Brecht Bertolt, 1898 Augsburg
- 12th. Darwin Charles 1809
- 13th. Simenon Georges, 1903 Liege, Belgium
- 14th. Malthus Thomas, Surrey, 1766
- 22nd. Schopenhauer Arthur, 1788, Danzig, Gdansk
- 25th. Goldoni Carlo 1707, Venice
- 26th. Hugo Victor, 1802, Besancon
- 26th. Cash Johny, 1932, Kingsland, Ark
- 26th. Domino Fats, Antonne Domino 1928 New Orleans, La
- 4th. Vivaldi Antonio, 1678 Venice
- 6th. Cyrano De Bergerac Savinien, 1619 Paris
- 6th. Michelangello Buonarroti, 1475 Caprese
- 12th. Nijinski Vaclav 1890 Kiev
- 21st. Bach Johann Sebastian, 1685 Eisenach
- 21st. Ziegfield Florence 1869 Chicago
- 23d. Fromm Erich, 1900 Frankfurt
- 26th. Williams Tennessee, born Thomas Lanier Williams 1911 Columbus, Miss
- 30th. Gogh Vincent Van, 1853 Zindert
- 31st. Gogol Nikolai Vasilevich 1809
- 31st. Daighilev Sergei Pavlovich 1872 Novgorod
- 1stl. Rostand Edmond 1868 Marseilles
- 2nd. Casanova De Seingalt Giovanni Giaccomo 1725 Venice
- 3d. Brando Marlon 1924 Omaha Neb
- 5th. Burdon Eric 1941 Newcastle on Tyne
- 9th. Baudelaire Charles 1821 Paris
- 12th. First man in space
- 13th. Beckett Samuel 1906 Dublin
- 16th. LSD discovered in 1943.
- 26th. Shakespeare 1564
- 30th. Hasek Jaroslav Matej Frantisek 1883 Prague
- 30th. Lehar Franz 1870 Kemarom, Hung
- 1st. Southern Terry 1928 Alvarado, Tex
- 3d. Machiavelli Niccolo 1469 Florence
- 7th. Tchaikovski Peter Ilich 1840 Votkinsk, Russ
- 11th. Dali Salvador 1904 Figueras
- 11st. Munchausen Karl Friedrich Nieronymous baron von 1720 Bodenwerder Germany
- 15th. Bulgakov Mihail Afanasijevic 1891 Kiev
- 16th. Liberace (born Wladziu Valentino) 1919 Wisconsin
- 20th. Ibsen Henrik Johan, 1828
- 20th. Cher, born Cherilyn La Pierre 1946 El Centro, Ca
- 21st. Durer Albrecht 1471 Nurnberg
- 22nd. Doyle Sir Arthur Conan 1859 Edinburgh
- 22nd. Wagner Richard 1813 Leipzig
- 23d. Mesmer Franz or Friedrich Anton, 1734 Germany
- 30th. Bakunin Mikhail 1914 Torzhok

- 2nd. Sade Marquis de, born Donatien Alphonse Francois Comte de Sade 1740 Paris
- 2nd. Cagliostro Count Alessandro 1743, Palermo, Sicily
- 5th. Garcia Lorca Federico 1898 Fuente Vaqueros
- 9th. Porter Cole 1892 Peru, Indiana
- 11th. Strauss Richard, 1864 Munich
- 20th. Ofenbach Jacques, 1819 Cologne
- 21st. Sartres Jean Paul, 1905 Paris
- 22nd. Fosse Bob 1927 Chicago
- 22nd. Wilder Billy 1906 Austria
- 25th. Orwell George (Eric Arthur Blair) 1903 Motihari, India
- 28th. Pirandello Luigi 1867 Agrigento, Sicily
- 28th. Rousseau Jean Jacques 1712 Geneva
- 29th. Saint Exupery Antoine 1900 Lyons
- 2nd. Hesse Herman 1877 Wurtemberg
- 3d. Russell Ken 1927 Southampton
- 4th. Simon Neil 1927 NYC
- 7th. Mahler Gustav 1860 Kaliste, Hungary
- 8th. Zeppelin Ferdinand Graf von 1838
- 9th. Tesla (some sources put his birthday as 6/7) 1856
- 12th. Modigliani Amedeo 1884 Leghorn
- 15th. Proudhon Pierre 1809 Besancon
- 16th. Atom bomb day (1945)
- 23d. Chandler Raymond 1888 Chicago
- 24th. Bierce Ambrose Gwinett 1842 Horse Cave Creek, Ohio
- 24th. Dumas Alexandre pere (born Davy de la Pailleterie 1802
- 26th. Shaw Bernard George 1856 Dublin
- 26th. Kubrick Stanley 1928 NY
- 26th. Edwards Blake 1922 Tulsa, Ocla
- 26th. Huxley Aldous Leonard 1894 Surrey
- 28th. Lowry Malcolm 1909 Chechire
- 30th. Zworykin Vladimir Kosma, 1889 Russia
- 1st. Garcia Jerry 1942 San Francisco
- 13th. Hitchcock Alfred. 1899 London
- 15th. Dequinci Thomas. 1785 Manchester
- 22nd. Parker Dorothy, nee Rotschild 1893 West End, NJ
- 22nd. Bradbury Ray. 1920 Waukegan Ill
- 24th. Borges Jorge Luis 1899 Buenos Aires
- 28th. Goethe Johann Wolfgang von. 1749 Frankfurt
- 31st. Gautier Theophile 1811
- 4th. Artaud Antonin, 1896 Marseilles
- 11th. O'Henry (William Sidney Porter) 1862, Grensoro, NC
- 14th. Pavlov Ivan Petrovich 1849
- 15th. Christie, Dame Agatha 1890, Devon
- 29th. Cervantes Saavedra Miguel de, 1547 Alcala de Hernanes
- 29th. Antonioni Michelangelo 1912 Ferrara

- 2nd. Vidal Gore 1915
- 3d. Esenin Sergei 1895 Konstantinovo, Ryazan province
- 8th. Nusich Branislav
- 10th.Verdi Guiseppe 1813 Le Reneole Italy
- 13th. Lenny Bruce (Leonard Alfred Schneider) 1925 Long Island, NY
- 15th. Wodehouse 1881 Surrey
- 15th. Nietzsche Friedrich 1844 Rocken, Germany
- 16th. Wilde Oscar Fingall O'Flahertie Wills, 1854 Dublin
- 22nd. List Franz 1811 Raiding, Hungary
- 25th. Bizet Georges 1838 Paris
- 25th. Strauss Johan, the Waltz \king 1825 Vienna
- 27th. Cook James 1728
- 30th. Pound Ezra
- 7th. Camus Albert 1913 Mondovi, Algeria
- 11th. Vonnegut Kurt Jr. 1922 Indianapolis
- 11th. Dostoyevski Fyodor Mihailovich 1821 Moscow
- 21st. Magritte Rene 1898 Lessines Belgium21st.
- 21st. Voltaire Francois 1694 Paris
- 24th. Toulouse Lautrec 1864 Albi
- 24th. Joplin Scott 1868 Texarkana, Te
- 24th. Spinoza Baruch, 1632 Amsterdam
- 27th. Hendrix Jimmy (James Marschall Hendricks 1942 Seattle
- 30th. Twain Mark (Samuel Langorne Clemens) 1835 Florida, Mo
- 7th. Chomsky Noam 1928 Philadelphia, Pa
- 8th. Morrison Jim 1943 Melbourne, Fla
- 8th. Feydeau Georges Leon Jules Marie 1862 Paris
- 10th. Ubu Roi opened 1896
- 11th. Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isayevich 1918 Rostov
- 14th. Amsterdam Morey 1914 Chicago,
- 17th. Beethoven Ludwig van, Bonn
- 19th. Genet Jean 1910 Paris
- 21st. Zappa Frank 1940 Baltimore, Md
- 22nd. Puccini Giaccomo 1858 Lucca
- 27th. Pasteur Louis 1822
- 30th. Diddley Bo (Ellias McDaniel) 1928
- 30th. Leacock Stephen
As I said, we did question membership of some individuals in this distinguished society. If you'd like to see what arguments we've used, check our
with EB on the subject. Now, you can be a part of Beer Kingdom's History in the making. Wouldn't you like to be responsible for a whole brand new national holiday? All you have to do is discover some overseen individual who's had some merit in the fields of drinking, free thinking, ridiculing the over-seriousness of our leaders past and present, or composing some light and catchy tunes (if we are to judge by the list above) and let us know about it.