
This is a list of birthdays and other events we try to celebrate. You'll notice that there are some days when there are two birthdays. In that case we let the chance decide which one we'll celebrate. One day, when Beer Kingdom becomes a reality, these days will be National Holidays. Your help with this list is crucial. At first we were under the impression that EB himself compiled this list after dubious, serious, and extensive deliberation and research. Incidentally, we discovered that he inherited the list from, to use his words, "one of our founding fathers and mothers."

That was the first time we've heard about FATHERS AND MOTHERS and EB promised to tell us more about them at some better time. In any case, it appears that this list is not cast in stone, meaning that some personalities may be dropped from it, and some other added. As you'll find out, we've already raised our voice demanding that certain changes are introduced, and EB is, to use his own words again, "seriously considering our ideas." If you have any information why some people shouldn't be on our list, and why some others should, e-mail it to us. Please help us enjoy our holidays and drink without a feeling of guilt.













As I said, we did question membership of some individuals in this distinguished society. If you'd like to see what arguments we've used, check our


with EB on the subject. Now, you can be a part of Beer Kingdom's History in the making. Wouldn't you like to be responsible for a whole brand new national holiday? All you have to do is discover some overseen individual who's had some merit in the fields of drinking, free thinking, ridiculing the over-seriousness of our leaders past and present, or composing some light and catchy tunes (if we are to judge by the list above) and let us know about it.

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