Beer Kingdom
Part 1 Discussions
Sorry .. It took so long to sort out and put in some kind of an order our notes from the DISCUSSIONS that we promised you. You know, discussions about the people whose birthdays we're celebrating, and if some of them really deserve it.

You may read those notes if you ever reach the second level of our labyrinth.

On the other hand, during the writing of OUR HISTORY, me and my collaborators have consumed a few alcoholic beverages. Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but somehow it just happened.
Anyway, before we discarded all the empty bottles, EB made me write down (for historical records) the names and origins of beers, wines, and spirits. Some were better than the others, but in this group there was not a single beverage that we feel that you should be warned about. Looks like our standard of living have improved, so we can afford better stuff. Either that, or we have so much time on our hands to browse all the discount stores in the area. Sometimes, we even paid a full price. As EB so nicely put it: "in majority of cases, you only live once."

J. WRAY, Jamaica, imported and bottled in New Jersey


WHALERS , Hawaian Rum, bottled in California

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Copyright 1996 Bahus Enterprises