Razburjeno poklice jetniski paznik koleg:
,,Tratar je preteklo noc pobegnil!``
,,O, hvala bogu! Tisto cviljenje zage mi je slo ze strasno
na zivce!``
Soon after 1933, when Nazis Kmalu po letu 1933, ko so
came to power in Germany, in nacisti prisli na oblast v
some circus was performing a Nemciji, je v nekem cirkusu
clown with trained pigs. After nastopil klovn z dresiranimi
the performance he also told prasici. Na predstavi je povedal
their names: njihova imen:
``Ladies and Gentlemen. ,,Spostovano obcinstvo. Pazite
Attentione please: the name of dobro: ta prasic se imenuje
this pig is Ott, the second one Otto, drugi je Franz in tretji,
is Franz ad the third one is najvecji, je Adolf ...``
Adolf ...''
This was too ambitious for Prenapetim ustvarjalcem novega
creators of a new order nad they reda je bilo to dovolj, saljivca
put joker in a prison where he so vrgli v zapor, kjer je
remained for quite some time. presedel lepo stevilo dni.
When he returned to the Ko se je vrnil v cirkus, je na
circus, he introduced his prvi predstavi takole predstavil
animals on the first performance svoje zivali:
``Ladies and Gentlemen, this ,,Gospoda moja, tale prasic je
pig is Otto, this one is Franz Otto, tale Franz, tale pa ...``
and this one ...'' he thought malo je pomolcal in nato odlocno
for a moment and then decisively izjavil: ,,Ne, zaradi tega
added: ``No, because of this pig prasica se pa res ne dam se
I'm not going to prison once enkrat zapreti!``