The Book of Home

The Book of Songs from Old Times

Knjiga starogradskih pesama

Stara Gradska Muzika

Pesme iz Subotice

  1. “Hej, salasi, na sjeveru Backe”
  2. [Oh, ranches, in the north of Bácska]
    Bunjevska, spora
    [Click here to download] 2:54 mins (1,354 kB Next/Sun™ audio file)
    Hej, salasi, na sjeveru Backe,
    U vama su pjesme Bunjevacke,
    A tambura tako lijepa svira,
    K’o da note par slavuja bira.
    Ni svatova nigdje takvih nema
    K’o kad baco cer na udaj sprijema.
    K’o kad zimi snijeg salas pokrije.
    Hej, Bunjevci, na sjeveru Backe,
    Sacuvajte pjesme Bunjevacke.
    Pjevajte ih jos puno godina,
    Vasa j’ grana mala al je fina.
    I lumpujte, ali po polako.
    Nek se divi i nek vidi svatko.
    A nek vranci pokidaju strange
    Kad se krenu decki na (...).

    Oh, ranches, in the North of Bácska,
    The Bunjevac songs are in you,
    And the tambura is played so beautifully,
    As if the chords were chosen by a couple of nightingales.
    Neither are wedding guests anywhere
    Like when the old man prepares his daughter for the wedding.
    Like when in winter the ranch is clad in snow.
    Oh, Bunjevacs, in the North of Bácska,
    Take care of Bunjevac songs.
    Sing them for many more years,
    Your tribe is small but fine.
    And revel, but carefully.
    You should be admired and seen by everybody.
    And the black horses may tear their traces
    When the lads set off for (...)

  3. “Osam tamburasa s Petrovaradina”
  4. [Eight tambura-players from Pétervárad]
    Croatian, slow
    [Click here to download], 3:50 mins (1,793 kB Next/Sun™ audio file)
    Dones’te mi rujna vina,
    Hocu price da se sjetim,
    Bas na ovom divnom mjestu,
    Gdje ugledah njene oci.

    Zaustavite Dunav
    I skazaljke stare,
    To je pjesma moja
    I pjesma moje drage.

    Nek me svuda prate
    S pjesmom rujna vina
    Osam tamburasa
    S Petrovaradina.

    U bijelom ces sa mnom poci,
    Vodit cu te na vjencanje.
    Bacat ce nam cvijece srece,
    Rastavit nas nitko nece.


    Tamburasi, svirajte mi
    Divne pjesme od davnina.
    Ja cu ljubit’ kose njene
    I polako piti vina.


    Bring me some red vine,
    I want to remember a story,
    At this very place,
    Where I saw her eyes for the first time.

    Stop the Danube
    As well as the old clockhands,
    This is my song
    And the song of my sweetheart.

    I should be followed everywhere
    By songs of red vine
    By eight tambura-players
    From Pétervárad.

    You will set off with me in white clothes,
    I will conduct you to the wedding.
    We shall be thrown flowers of happiness,
    Nobody will us part.


    Tambura-players, play me
    Beautiful songs from the old times.
    I will be kissing her hair
    And slowly drink my vine.


  5. “Seoska sam lola ja”
  6. [I am a country lad from Banat]
    Serbian, fast
    [Click here to download], 0:40 min (313 kB Midi™ audio file)
    Seoska sam lola, to me svako zna.
    Nema vece lole nego sto sam ja.
    Seoska najveca, seoska sam lola ja.
    Gde se vino pije, tu sam prvi ja.
    Gde se cure ljube, tu sam opet ja.
    Seoska najveca, seoska sam lola ja.
    I am a country lad from Banat, and I am known for this.
    There is no bolder lad from Banat than me.
    I am the boldest country lad, I am a country lad from Banat.
    Where vine is drunk, I am the first there.
    Where girls are kissed, I am there again.
    I am the boldest country lad, I am a country lad from Banat.

  7. “Uzalud vam trud, sviraci”
  8. [Musicians, your effort is in vain]
    Croatian, slow
    [Click here to download], 0:43 min (332 kB Next/Sun™ audio file)
    A za oblak mi se mjesec krio,
    Sakrio mi pute.
    Uzalud vam trud, sviraci,
    Za drugog su dunje zute.

    A za oblak mu se mjesec krio,
    Sakrio mi pute.
    Uzalud vam trud, sviraci,
    Za drugog su dunje zute.

    And the moon has hid itself behind a cloud,
    It has hid my ways.
    Musicians, your effort is in vain,
    For the quinces are being yellow for some others.

    And the moon has hid itself behind a cloud,
    It has hid my ways.
    Musicians, your effort is in vain,
    For the quinces are being yellow for some others.

Back ?  Instaled on June 30th 1997;
All Credits to David N. Biacsi
Taken from his page
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