
Photographs by
Dushan Drakulich

All Rights Reserved ©

Galerija Talasi


The Water Walls

"Climbing the Waves"

The Explosions

The Sweep

Vodeni zidovi

"Penjanje na talase"



Calm most of the time, the Southern Adriatic Sea occasionally becomes very rough. "Jugo" ("South") weather first brings a rapid air pressure. Initially, waves become just longer, and then they gradually get bigger and bigger. A wind with a worm, moist air follows in about 12 hours. A day or two later weather clears and the wind and yet bigger waves turn Western (so called "Pulenat"). QWYX Home Page - Stranica sa objawnjenjem QWYX slova

Uglavnom miran, Jadran se s vremena na vreme popriliyno uzburka. Obiyno prvo naidqe Jugo koji donosi toplo i vlaxno vreme. Najavljuje se brzim padom vazduwnog pritiska i prvo poveqanom duxinom talasa, bez vidnog razloga, tj. bez vetra, a zatim sve veqim i veqim talasima. Dan-dva kasnije juxni vetar "prevrne" u zapadni, tzv. Pulenat. Najyewqe baw tada talasi budu najveqi.


The Water Walls Vodeni Zidovi



"Climbing the Waves" "Penjanje na talase"


A unique way for young people showing off exists in Petrovac, called "Climbing the Waves". The point is to swim on the top of a wave when it hits the port, and to land on the port while avoiding becaming a pancake (smashed to a port's stone wall). Here is how it is accomplished (actually, how is the author showing-off):

[video taken in 1988 by Robert Budic]

Landing directly on feet
Real Player format (24sec, 145Kb)

The same thing as above
but better quality, in MPEG format (24sec, 4,129Kb)

Several "climbs"
MPEG movie (2:30min, 25,644Kb)

[2 black & white photographs taken in 1979 by Jovo Djurovic:
1. Branislav Karadzic, Dusan Drakulic, Goran DJurovic
2. Milo Vukovic, Dusan Drakulic, Goran DJurovic]

U Petrovcu se momci (i poneka dqevojka) prave vaxni baveqi se jedinstvenim sportom - "penjanjem na talase". Vewtina se sastoji u tome da se skoyi sa pristaniwta u more i iskoristi za povratak talas koji udara u pristaniwte, a da se pri tom ne ostane zalepljen na kameni zid. Evo kako se to radi (tj. kako se autor pravi vaxan):

[snimio video kamerom 1988 Robert Budiq]

Izlazak direktno na noge
Real Player format (24s, 145Kb)

Kvalitetniji snimak iste stvari
u MPEG formatu (24s, 4.129Kb)

Nekoliko "penjanja"
MPEG film (2:30min, 25.644Kb)

[2 crno-bele fotografije snimio 1979 Jovo DQuroviq:
1. Branislav Karadxiq, Duwan Drakuliq, Goran DQuroviq
2. Milo Vukoviq, Duwan Drakuliq, Goran DQuroviq]


The Explosions Eksplozije


A photo sendwitch Foto-sendviy (montaxa)



The Sweep



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