Sound of high frequency oscillator discharge
Tesla's transformer and wireless transmission
Tesla's inventions in the field of currents of high frequency and high voltage
are exhibited in the next room. With his oscillator he was the first to succeed
in producing currents of high frequncy and of several millions volts. This made
the development of new technical fields possible.

Sound of small oscillator-transformer discharge
It seems almost incredible today that Tesla managed to produce current of more than
tens of thousand periods frequency with several million volt so many decades ago.
Tesla experimented with such voltage in his laboratory in New York as well as in
the laboratory in Colorado Springs. Even today the result of these experiments
are manifold and represent a strong stimulus to the scholars throughout the
world, especially since the Museum of Nikola Tesla published Tesla's result,
day by day. Nowdays such oscillators and currents of high frequency are used
in radiotechnology, industry and in the process of releasing nuclear energy,
and Tesla himself forsaw their application in the fields of medicine and
industry. The high frequency oscilator with the big transformer, placed in the
middle of the room, of about 500.000 volts, speaks of Tesla's genius and
illustrates the producing of light without wires. In this room there is also
a smaller oscillator-transformer, Tesla exsperimented with, using tubes with
diluted gas.
These exsperiments resulted in the present-day tehnology of
luminescent light. Even experts know little about Roentgen wondering at and
admiring the photographs of parts of human organism which were made with the
help of Tesla's hight frequency currents which were used to supply power the
tubes producing Roentgen rays.
The most significant experiments with current of high frequecy and high
voltage, Tesla carried out in the field of wireless transmission. With the
results attained he laid the foundation of the tehnique of wireless
transmision, as testified by the exibited text of the judgement of the USA
Supreme Court, by which Tesla's inventions in that field have a priority over
Marconi's inventins.