The polyphase system and its application
In this room various working models show how the idea of moving the rotating
copper plate by way of inductions currents odiginated (Arago's experiment from
1825). This room also contains the model of the motor with commuted direct
current and the immobile electromagnets (of the American physicist Bailey from
1887) as well as Tesla's two-phase generator with the model of synhronous and
asynhronous motor moved by two-phase alternating currents. For a fuller
understanding of the physical principles of forming the rotating magnetic field
and for the visual presentation of the vectorial addition of the two linearly
oriented fields there is a model of the hydaulic analogy, constructed according
to Tesla's idea. In 1893, at the Chicago World Exhibition, Tesla exhibited his
ingenious model of the induction motor in which the rotor was a freely rotating
metal egg. Such a model, together with the working model of the first "true"
induction motor with the rotor in short circuit, illustrates the most
important part of Tesla's polyphase system.
Sound of eggs moveing 1
Sound of eggs moveing 2
Tesla participated with his patents in the contruction of the first big
generators for poluphase current, as testified by the plate from one of the
generators of the Niagara Plant (1889), placed by the model of hydroenergetic
system. The date of putting into operation the first engines in this Plant is
the actual beginning of the hydroenergetic system with a three-phase
alternating currents, exhibited in this room, show all the essential elements
of Tesla's invention.
This room also contains Tesla's invention of the turbine without blades (1913),
of the pump and the rotor constructed on the same principle, which attract one's
attention by their originality. Tesla devoted twenty years of his life to these
inventions, trying to improve them and applay them in practice, and
understanding, in the world of science.
Sound of engine running