Tesla - man and researcher
In the first room, to the right from the etrance, there is a bust of Tesla
sculptured by Ivan Mestrovic. Tesla's words about the exceptional profession
of a researcher, truly exspressing his life long commitment, are inscribed
above the bust.
In the corner on the right-hand side, there is an enlarged photograph of young
Tesla while studying at Graz (Austria), and below the photograph one can see
three of his personal certificates, his birth certificates, the marticulation
certificate from the high-school at Karlovac, and the passport he travelled to
New York with in 1894. The photograph of his native house and of the church in
the village Smiljan in Lika, where his father was a Orthodox vicar, conjures up the
starting point of his life, which he had never forgotten.
A choice of letters, on both sides of the photograph of his native house, are
the testimony of the highest credit given to him by the world greatest
scientists (Einstein, Crookes, Kelvin, Roentgen, Millikan, Popov, Pupin, Lee de
Forest, Compton, Kennelly, Amstrong and others).