Hristos se rodi !
Danasnje pedeseto protestno okupljanje, na Badnje vece, odvijalo se na
nacin primeren ovom velikom hriscanskom prazniku. Okupljenim
gradjanima obratio se otac Rasa koji im je cestitao rodjenje Hristovo i
pozeleo im da mir Boziji zavlada na zemlji. Zatim je na poziv Riste
Bukvica formirana kolona koja predvodjena Badnjakom i srpskim
zastavama, mirno, pored zgrade Pozorista, zatim Hajduk Veljkovom i
ulicom Dimitrija Dimitrijevica otisla do Saborne crkve, gde im se obratio
episkop niski vladika Irinej.
Crkvenom ritualu koji podrazumeva i tradicionalno paljenje badnjaka
prisustvovalo je vise od 25 hiljada ljudi. Uprkos tome sto su lideri
koalicije Zajedno pozvali gradjane na Bozic ne bude protestnog
okupljanja, mnostvo gradjana zahtevalo je da se s protestom ne prekida
ni za jedan jedini dan. Oni koji ovo citaju spremni su na sve zrtve da bi
jednom i u nasoj zemlji i u nasem gradu zavladali, kao u normalnim
zemljama, Ustav i zakon.
ZAJEDNO Coalition Information Headquarters, Daily News on January 6, l996.
The fiftieth day of the rally, on Christmas Eve, followed the proceedings
of this great Christian holiday. The citizens were addressed by Rev. Rasa
who wished them a merry Christmas and peace on Earth. Then, Risto Bukvic,
the host of the rally,invited the citizens to form a procession. At the head
of the procession were the holy tree and Serbian banners. The citizens took
a peaceful walk to the Cathedral, where they were addressed by the head of
the Nis bishopry - Archbishop Irinei. More than 25 000 citizens attended the
religious ritual of burning the holy (oak) tree. Despite the suggestion of
the Zajedno Coalition leaders that citizens should not gather on Christmas
Day, many citizens demanded that protests should not be stopped with - not
even for one day. The citizens of Nis are ready to take all the sacrifices
which will help to restore the power of the Constitution and the law in our
town and in our country one day - the way it should be in a country.