Toplica DJordjevic (tole@sezampro.yu)
Sun, 22 Dec 1996 23:20:26 +0100

Dnevne informacije iz informativnog staba Koalicije "Zajedno" za
22. 12. 1996. god.



Na danasnjem 35-tom protestnom okupljanju pred oko 15 hiljada ljudi
govorili su nasi dragi gosti potpredsednici SPO-a Milan Komnenic i
Ilija Radulovic, Slobodan Gavrilovic, narodni poslanik iz Uzica,
potpredsednik DS-a, Zivorad Andjelkovic, sef beogradskog izbornog
staba DS-a i Jakov Stamenkovic, narodni poslanik DS-a iz Leskovca.

Posebno je burno pozdravljen Mihailo Kovac, jedan iz plejade
vrhunskih novinara koji su nekada radili na RTS-u, a koji su kasnije
kao sposobni i casni ili otpusteni ili sami dali otkaze. Izmedju ostalog
gospodin Kovac je rekao: " Socijalisti su svima nama obecali casu
meda otkako su dosli na vlast pre devet godina, ali umesto case meda
dobili smo casu zuci, koja se prelila 17. novembra i Srbija vise nikada
ne moze da se vrati na stanje od pre 17. novembra".

"Mnogi me pitaju sta ja mislim o informisanju ...Sta je mislim o
informisanju ja sam rekao pre pet godina kada sam morao da biram
izmedju licne casti i sluzenja jednom nenarodnom lazljivom rezimu.
Svaki covek bez obzira na svoje zanimanje, bez obzira gde zivi i sta
radi u ovoj Srbiji, jednog dana mora, na terazije svoje ljudskosti, da
stavi dve stvari: na jednu stranu licnu cast, ugled svojih predaka i
postovanje svojih potomaka, a na drugu stranu terazija trenutnu licnu
korist, takozvanu egzisteniciju i radno mesto. Ja sam se opredelio za
licnu cast, ugled svojih predaka i postovanje svojih potomaka. Ako
imas pameti u glavi, ako imas deset vrednih prstiju okreni ledja tim
lopovima i lazovima - neces propasti u zivotu!"

"Secam se 1991. godine, kada se desio 9. mart u Beogradu, iste veceri
tadasnji generalni direktor televizije sazvao je kolegijum svojih
podrepasa i ulizica da se dogovore kako da ostalu Srbiju obaveste o
tom dogadjaju, da to predstave kao izraz snaga haosa i bezumlja, a ne
kao jedan opravdan narodni protest. Tadasnji generalni direktor zavrsio
je sastanak ovim recima: "E, nema da se izuvamo, dok ovo ne
posvrsavamo". Nekad i od protivnika treba nesto nauciti. Moja poruka
je vama: "E, nema da se izuvamo dok ovo ne posvrsavamo."

Na protestnom okupljanju primecene su i zastave inostranih sila:
Norveske i Grcke.

Kolona se nakon obracanja oca Rase i Miodraga Stankovica-Uce,
kretala do zgrade Suda, zatim desno do ulice Nikole Pasica, desno do
Trga Vojske Jugoslavije, pa onda desno pored Ureda, i na kraju desno
do Trga Oslobodjenja.

3, 2, 1, ...

Da podsetimo da je do obaranja svetskog rekorda u mirnom
demonstriranju ostalo jos samo tri dana!

Ceski demonstranti su koristili zvonca i nakon 38 dana komunistickoj
vlasti je odzvonilo. Mi koristimo pistaljke i nadamo se da ce ova vlast
za tri dana da "odsvira" svoje!
Vesti iz slobodne (okupirane) Srbije

'Zajedno' Coalition Information Headquarters, Daily News, December 22,

The flags of some foreign powers were noticed at the rallies:
The flags of Norway and Greece

We won't take our shoes until we finish with THEM!

On the 35th day of the rallies, the 15 000 citizens were addressed by: Milan
Komnenic and Ilija Radulovic, vice-presidents of SPO; Slobodan Gavrilovic,
vice-president of DS and MP from Uzice; Zivorad Andjelkovic, DS head of
the Belgrade Electoral Committee; and Jakov Stamenkovic, MP from
The rally was delighted to see Mihailo Kovac, a distinguished journalist who
used to work for the state-controlled RTS. He belongs to a group of
capable and honourable journalists who either resigned from or were
by the RTS. Mr. Kovac pointed out: "Socialists promised us a cup of honey
when they came to power nine years ago, but instead of the cup of honey -
got a cup of bile, which boiled over on November 17. Serbia can never be
same after November l7... I have often been asked what I think of the
What I think of the media, I said five years ago when I had to choose
between my honour and my servility to an autocratic and falsifying regime.
Regardless of your vocation, place of living and position in the social ladder,
one day you have to weigh two things on the scales of human values: one is
your honour, your duty to the heritage you have taken over from your
forefathers and you are supposed to pass on to your posterity; the other is
your personal benefits, the so-called living-on and your working-place.
I myself picked my side - the side of personal honour, duty to my heritage
and respectability by my posterity. If you have brains, if you are dexterous -
turn your back on those thieves and liars and you are not going to fail!
... After the happenings on March 9, 1991 - I remember - General Director
of the state television at that time called up a board meeting with his
toadies and flatterers on the same evening to decide how to inform the rest of
Serbia on the events in order to (mis)represent them as the doings of powers
darkness and not as a righteous civic protest. He ended the meeting with the
following sentence: 'We won't take off our shoes until we finish this!' You
can sometimes learn from your adversaries. My message to you is: 'We won't
tkae off our shoes until we finish with them!'"
The 'eccentric' citizens of Nis didn't want to miss their protest walk along
the city streets despite cold and smoggy weather.
N.B. Three days more to beat the world record in peaceful demonstrating!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* adresa: trg Lale Nikolic 2, 18.000 Nis *
* telefoni: 018/ 22-067, 21-990 *
* faks: 018/ 22-067 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *