Angelina Markovic (ninam@beotel.yu)
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 21:50:38 +0222

e-Bulletin No 12/ April 16, 1998 [srpsko izd. & Engl. ed.]


Gospodine predsednice,
Najveci egzodus jednog naroda posle Drugog svetskog rata,
etnicko ciscenje nad njim i svojevremeno odbacivanje njegove
volje (referendum u Republici Srpskoj Krajini) — nisu kraj
anihilacije Srba u Hrvatskoj (videti knjigu o Vukovaru
V.S. Dabica i K. M. Lukic: “Crimes without punishment”
ili dokumentaciju: “Ravni Kotari 1993 — Victims of Croatian
Agression in the Republic of Serbian Krajina”; “Bloody
September in Lika - 1993” ).
Vase nedavno pismo svedskom premijeru povodom knjige
svedske vlade koja podseca svet na najvece zlo logorskog
XX veka: fasizam (i Vasa preporuka da sveukupna Evropa i
SAD duguju covecanstvu podsecanje na istinu, kako se
istorijska patologija ne bi ponovila) — daju nadu srpskom
narodu da cete i licno doprineti slamanju neofasizma u Hrvatskoj.

Imovinska, prosvetna, radna i sva ljudska prava Srbima su
uskracena u Hrvatskoj i posle Dejtonskog sporazuma, sto
potvrdjuje i “Njujork tajms” (19. mart 1998.) optuzujuci
Hrvatsku za “tiho etnicko ciscenje”. Ostre primedbe ali ne i
mere za sprecavanje neofasizma, pretnje o “zatvaranju vrata”
Hrvatskoj na putu ka zapadnim integracijama, uobicajena
potraznja dodatnih objasnjenja za nasilja, ekscese, ubistva
i zlostavljanja — nisu mere politickog pritiska.
Kratak pregled dogadjaja, pre svega u Istocnoj Slavoniji,
jasno svedoci da se drzavni teror nad preostalim Srbima
u Hrvatskoj programirano sprovodi, i da evropeizacija
Balkana sve vise lici na balkanizaciju Evrope.
Od 15. januara 1998. (kada su snage UNTAES-a otisle iz
Istocne Slavonije) pa do 15. februara 1998, samo u
vukovarskom i baranjskom podrucju, pritiscima i
maltretiranju bile su izlozene 143 porodice srpskih izbeglica,
a 22 takve porodice izbacene iz kuca u koje su bile
smestene. Predsednik Srpske narodne stranke (SNS),
Milan Djukic, o tome poseduje kompletnu dokumentaciju.
U Istocnoj Slavoniji je 1996. zivelo 127.000 Srba (80.000
“starosedelaca” i — posle genocidne hrvatske agresije
sprovedene vojnim operacijama “Bljeska” i “Oluje” 1995.
na teritoriju Republike Srpske Krajine — 47. 000 prognanih
Srba), a sada ih je tamo svega 67. 000 od ukupnog broja.
Od “starosedelaca” iselilo se 20. 000 a od “izbeglih Srba”
(prognanih sa ognjista i grobista gde ih Franacka hronika
belezi jos pre 1176 godina) ostalo je samo 7.000.
12. februara 1998. predstavnici Srba su upozorili
predsednika Franju Tudjmana na “tihi” egzodus preostalih
Srba i dogovorili odredjene zakljucke. Odbor za uspostavu
poverenja (predsednica Vesna Skare Ozbolt) nije ucinio
nista po ovom dogovoru, vec za javnost smislja licemerne
razloge za odlazak malog broja preostalih Srba iz Hrvatske.
Sto se tice povratka prognanih Srba (15 % gradjana koje
je Hrvatska proterala oruzanom silom sa 30% svoje
“istorijske” teritorije), ili konvalidacije dokumenata ili
regulisanja imovinskih prava — Odbor za uspostavu
poverenja deluje programski dosledno: ceka da se “tihi
egzodus” okonca.
Govor Franje Tudjmana (od 21. februara ’98. na Saboru
njegove stranke “HDZ”) Evropska unija je, uz SAD,
kontinuitetno kritikovala jer su “ton i sadrzaj” u suprotnosti
sa medjunarodnim obavezama koje je Hrvatska preuzela.
Naime, od drzave Franje Tudjmana se trazilo da preostale
Srbe tretira “kao punopravne clanove hrvatskog drustva”.
Stavise, kontinutetni prekor je podrazumevao da i izvestaj
Evropske unije o stanju u Hrvatskoj bude odlozen 30 dana
(od posete ministara inostranih poslova Francuske i Nemacke,
19. marta ’98.), kako bi Hrvatska imala vremena da
popravi lose odnose sa Evropskom unijom.
Dok traje hrvatsko evropsko prestrojavanje, u sela u
kojima su ziveli Srbi doseljavaju se Hrvati iz obliznjih sela
(ne vise iz Bosne!?). Malobrojni deo prognanih (uglavnom
stari, zbog grobova bliznjih) vratio se u mesta sirom
nekadasnje Republike Srpske Krajine, izlazuci se potpunoj
obespravljenosti i ponizenjima svake vrste. Oni koji su
dosli u Plaski, Vojnic, Korenicu, podrucja Knina ili
Benkovca, u Vrginmost, Glinu, Petrinju, Blinju, Kostajnicu,
Dvor, Pakrac, Lipik i Okucane — postali su kriticna masa
koja ne moze da udje u svoje kuce i koja strepeci pretrajava,
uz savest medjunarodne zajednice.
Organizaciji za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju (OEBS),
Evropskoj uniji i Ujedinjenim nacijama, Vlada SR Jugoslavije
je krajem februara 1998. godine urucila “Ed-memoar” o
pogorsavanju odnosa u Istocnoj Slavoniji. Izmedju ostalog,
hrvatskoj vlasti se zamera da ne postuje ni obaveze iz Pisma
o namerama koje je hrvatska vlada usvojila 13. januara 1998.
Zabelezeno je 175 slucajeva fizickog maltretiranja od
15. januara do 15. februara. Zabelezeni su i ucestali nestanci
lica (poput 24. godisnjeg Srdjana Kovacevica, iz Vukovara,
za kojim porodica bezuspesno traga od 27. januara 1998,
kada se na dan pravoslavnog praznika “Svetog Save” nije
vratio kuci) kao i ubistva u Sarengradu kod Iloka i Belom
Manastiru (bombaski napad).
Nastava na srpskom jeziku dovedena je u pitanje
(kulturoloski genocid), Pedagoska akademija u Vukovaru
i Poljoprivredni fakultet u Dardi su zatvoreni (institucionalni
genocid) i neregulisan nacin finansiranja Zajednickog veca
opstina (naznacen Erdutskim sporazumom u tacki 12 ) —
samo potvrdjuju nameru hrvatske drzave da “etnicko
ciscenje” nad Srbima apsolutizuje. “Tudjmanovu
netoleranciju” potvrdio je i sef britanske diplomatije,
Robin Kuk, u Sarajevu 4. marta 1998. godine.
Sovinisticko-fasisticku indoktrinaciju (verska nastava
katolickog svestenstva pogoduje unijacenju i pokrstavanju),
ksenofobiju i pravoslavofobiju ne pokazuje konstantno jedino
hrvatska stampa, kada su Srbi u pitanju, vec i predstavnici
nauke i obrazovanja. Ilustrativan primer patoloske mrznje
prema Srbima predstavlja uxbenik “Hrvatska povijest”
(za VIII razred osnovne skole), stampan 1996. — u kome
se kriju cinjenice o politickoj svrstanosti Hrvatske u Prvom i
Drugom svetskom ratu, kao i genocid nad Srbima pocinjen
od 1941. do 1945. godine.
Zakon o amnestiji hrvatska vlada, koja se obavezala
da “nece podizati optuzbe bez saglasnosti Medjunarodnog
suda u Hagu”, sprovodi tako sto podize nove optuznice za
navodne ratne zlocine (u Bjelovaru je postupak protiv 43 lica
srpske nacionalnosti). I vise od toga: jos uvek se ne zna broj
Srba po hrvatskim zatvorima, izlozenih patoloskoj torturi
svojih cuvara. U zatvorima su uglavnom nevini ljudi koji
bezuspesno traze spasenje od fasisticke pravne drzave
(Hrvatska), od Haskog tribunala (koji nece da ih sudi jer je
“nenadlezan”), od neokomunisticko-kriminalizovane vlasti u
Jugoslaviji ili od nevladinih (u stvari kontrolisanih u dobrom
procentu) institucija sirom sveta. Strajkovi gladju i ocaj
vladaju Srbima zatvorenim u Pozegi, Splitu, Lepoglavi,
Zagrebu, Sisku ili Gospicu (u kome se Milan Brakus
marta ’98. obesio), dok cekaju egzekuciju i indukovanu
biolosku smrt.
Najavljeno je i otpustanje od oko 30. 000 zaposlenih a
kao visak radne snage “iskljucivo se tretiraju gradjani
srpske nacionalnosti”. Prema navodima Udruzenja gradjana
Hrvatske “Povratak kuci” Srbi gube posao “jer se nisu
uklapali u nacionalno-radnu strukturu”. U Istocnoj Slavoniji
plate se isplacuju samo Hrvatima jer za Srbe (na primer
u fabrici stocne hrane u Dardi i u pekari “Belje” u Belom
Manastiru) ni jedno ministarstvo nije dalo finansijsku pomoc;
hrvatskim radnicima je pomoglo Ministarstvo odbrane.
Organizovana paljevina srpskih kuca (februar-mart ’98.
prema Hrvatskom helsinskom odboru) na Kordunu i Baniji
(u ratu je to planski radjeno u Krajini i Zapadnoj Slavoniji)
pokazuje nameru neofasisticke drzave Hrvatske da
preostale Srbe — posle bestijalnih zatiranja 1914, 1941. i
1991. — izmesti u trece zemlje. Iako u dosadasnjim
“krstaskim akcijama” najuspesnijeg etnickog ciscenja u
drugoj polovini XX veka (izmesteno je oko 1. 000. 000 Srba)
medjunarodna zajednica nije prepoznavala genocid,
sada se za preostale Srbe brine OEBS jer, po recima
evropskih ministara inostranih poslova Ibera Vedrina i
Klausa Kinkela, “od doslednog” ispunjavanja svih
dogovorenih obaveza (znaci i prema Srbima) zavisi i
“brzina hrvatskog prikljucivanja evropskim tokovima”.
Iako javno nisu izrecene kritike ove dvojice ministara na
racun hrvatskog drzavnog vrha, nije nepoznato da je
predsedniku Tudjmanu prigovoreno sto je odbio da primi
trojicu ambasadora koji su mu doneli protestno pismo
Evropske unije zbog njegovih stavova iznetih na
partijskom kongresu HDZ. Iz ovakvih diplomatskih
akcija, slozicete se, tesko je odgonetnuti je li rec o
brizi za hrvatsku integraciju u Evropu, ili o brizi za Srbe,
najobespravljenije gradjane u Evropi.
Masovno iseljavanje Srba iz Slavonije u Norvesku
uslovilo je i dolazak norveske delegacije (februar 1998.)
u Zagreb i Vukovar. Delegacija (sastavljena od
predstavnika Ministarstva pravde, Ministarstva inostranih
poslova, Direktorata za strance i Saveta za izbeglice)
koju je predvodio norveski ambasador u Hrvatskoj
ustanovila je da su “Srbi izlozeni diskriminaciji kroz
administrativne odluke” i stalnom maltretiranju.
Imajuci, makar i na mah, uvid u prezentirane cinjenice,
ne cini li se i Vama gospodine predsednice cinicnom
opaska Tima Guldimana, ambasadora u misiji
OEBS-a u Hrvatskoj, koja glasi: “Ako iz Podunavlja
odu pripadnici drugih etnickih skupina, onda se ideja
mirne reintegracije pretvara u svoju suprotnost: u proces
etnickog ciscenja. A to ne smijemo dopustiti”
(intervju za Feral Tribune, Split, 23. 02. ’98.).
Fond istine raspolaze saznanjima da u Podunavlju ima
drugih etnickih skupina, ali nema podataka da je sem
pravoslavnih Srba neka druga etnicka skupina izlozena
anihilaciji. Ili ce, mozda, medjunarodna zajednica izvrsiti
pritisak na vlasti u Hrvatskoj tek po etnickom ciscenju
“drugih skupina” (ili “drugih skupina u Podunavlju”!), posto
se Srbi smatraju nizom rasom, pa se na njih primena
drzavnog terora podrazumeva opravdanom.

Fond istine, kao udruzenje srpskih intelektualaca,
ocekuje od Vas, gospodine predsednice, da cete i
po pitanju srpske populacije u Hrvatskoj reagovati u
skladu sa iznetim stavovima u pismu svedskom premijeru.
Takodje, Fond istine smatra neophodnim osnivanje
obzirom da se i na teritoriji srpske svete zemlje
(Kosovo i Metohija) politicki aktuelno govori jedino o
“dubokoj uznemirenosti” za ljudska prava Siptara,
etnicke skupine koja zivi na ovom delu suverene i
drevne srpske drzave. Prava ostalih etnickih skupina,
kao i starosedelaca Srba, u ovoj postojbini srpskoga
naroda ne zaokupljaju paznju aktuelne politicke javnosti
— iako su americka glasila, svojevremeno, iscrpno
pisala o bestijalnostima Siptara nad srpskim zivljem i
srpskim svetinjama. Misljenja smo, medjutim, bas
kao i Vi da Evropa i SAD duguju savremenom svetu
principijelan odgovor na svako nasilje, unizenost i rasizam.
Uz dobre zelje.
Beograd 12. april 1998.
Za Fond istine o Srbima
Predrag R. Dragic Kijuk

+ + +


The largest exodus of one nation ever seen since
World War II, ethnic cleansing of it and the rejection
of its will some time ago (The Republic of Srpska
Kraina Referendum) - are not the end of Serb annihilation
in Croatia (see the book about Vukovar written by
V.S.Dabic and K.M.Lukic: Crimes Without Punishment
or the documentation: Ravni Kotari 1993 - Victims of
Croatian Aggression in the Republic of Srpska Kraina;
Bloody September in Lika - 1993).
Your recent letter to the Swedish Prime Minister written
on the occasion of the Swedish Government book
which reminds the world of the greatest evil of the
XX century concentration camp: fascism (and Your
recommendation that the whole of Europe and the
USA ought to make the mankind remember the truth
in order that such historic pathology would not be
repeated) - give hope to Serbian people that You will
personally contribute to the destruction of neofascism
in Croatia.

Serbs were deprived of property, educational, work
and all other rights in Croatia even after the Dayton
Agreement had been signed which was also confirmed
by The New York Times (March 19. 1998) accusing
Croatia of "quiet ethnic cleansing". Bitter remarks but
not the measures for preventing neofascism, threats
with "the door being shut" for Croatia on the road leading
to western integrations, the usual requests for additional
explanations regarding violence, excesses, murders and
atrocities - are not the measures of political pressure.
A short survey of the events that took place in Eastern
Slavonia, clearly testifies that the terror practised upon
the remaining Serbs in Croatia is being carried out
according to the programme, and that the Europeization
of the Balkans is more and more likely to become
the Balkanization of Europe.
Ever since January 15. 1998. (when the UNTAES forces
left Eastern Slavonia) 143 Serbian refugee families
have been exposed to pressures and maltreatment and
that is only in the region of Vukovar and Baranja and
22 families have been driven out of the houses in which
they lived for the time being. Serbian National Party
President, Milan Djukic, has a complete documentation
referring to it.
In 1996, 127 000 Serbs lived in Eastern Slavonia
(80 000 "native" inhabitants and after the genocidal
Croatian aggression effected by the military operations
of Bljesak and Oluja (Flash and Storm) in 1995. on the
Republic of Srpska Kraina territory - 47 000 of the exiled
Serbs) and now there are only 67 000. From the "natives"
20 000 have emigrated and from the Serbian refugees
(exiled from their homes and cemeteries, from places
mentioned in the Friar Chronicle even before 1176) only
7 000 remained .
On February 12. 1998. Serbian representatives warned
the Croatian President Franjo Tudjman of the "quiet"
exodus of the remaining Serbs and made an agreement
with him referring certain conclusions. The Trust Establishing
Board (Vesna Skare Ozbolt, President) has done nothing
according to the Agreement, but made up hypocritical
reasons for the publicity that should have accounted for
the few remaining Serbs' departures from Croatia. As
for the come back of the exiled Serbs (15% of its citizens
Croatia exiled by means of the military force out of the
30% that lived on their "historic" territory) or convalidation
of documents or regulation of property rights - The Trust
Establishing Board acts consequently according to the
programmed plan: waits for the "quiet exodus" to end.
Franjo Tudjman's speech (dating February 21. 1998.
during his HDZ Party Congress) has continually been
criticized by the European Union and the U.S.A, since
its "tone and the content" were contrary to the
international commitments Croatia had taken on itself.
Namely, Franjo Tudjman's country was asked to treat
the remaining Serbs in Croatia "as equal members of
the Croatian society". Moreover, the continual upbraid
implied that the European Union report on the situation
in Croatia should be postponed for 30 days (from the
visit of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of France and
Germany, March 19. 1998) so that Croatia could have
the time to improve its bad relations with the European
While Croatian and European shifting is going on,
Croats from the nearby villages (no longer from Bosnia!?)
are moving into the villages in which Serbs used to live.
A small number of the exiled Serbs (mainly the old people
because of the graves of their dear ones) returned to
the places which used to be within the former Republic
of Srpska Kraina, exposing themselves to the entire
maltreatment and humiliation of every kind. Those who
came to Plaski, Vojnic, Korenica, into the region of
either Knin or Bukovica, to Vrginmost, Glina, Petrinja,
Blinja, Kostajnica, Dvor, Pakrac, Lipik and Okucane
- somehow became a critical mass of people unable
to get into their own homes, and continued to live in
anxiety together with the international community
The FR Yugoslvaia Government sent an "Add Memoir"
at the end of February 1998. to the OESCE, to
European Union and the United Nations, referring to
the worsening situation in Eastern Slavonia. Apart
from other things, Croatian authorities are being
criticized for not even respecting the obligations
stated in the Letter of Intentions Croatia accepted
on January 13. 1998. From January 15. till February
15, 175 cases of physical maltreatment were recorded.
Frequent disappearances of people (like the
disappearance of Srdjan Kovacevic from Vukovar,
whom the family has been looking for unsuccessfully
ever since January 27, 1998. when he failed to return
home on the Orthodox Holiday of Saint Sava) as well
as the murders in Sarengrad near Ilok and in Beli
Manastir (a bomb attack).
Education in Serbian language is disputed (cultural
ganocid), the Academy of Pedagogy in Vukovar and
The Faculty of Agriculture in Darda have been closed
(an institutional genocide) and a non-regular way of
financing the Mutual Body of Municipalities (stated by
the Erdut Agreement, Act 12) - confirm a clear
Croatia's intention to accomplish absolute "ethnic
cleansing" of Serbs. Tudjman's intolerance was also
confirmed by the minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Robin
Cook in Sarajevo, March 4, 1998.
Chauvinistic and fascistic indoctrination (education
performed by catholic clergy is suitable for Uniatism
and Convertism), xenophobia and Orthodox phobia
are not only demonstrated constantly by Croatian press,
when Serbs are in question but even by the representatives
of science and education. An illustrative example of
pathological hatred of Serbs can be seen by looking
at the "History of Croatia" textbook (the VIII year elementary
school) printed in 1996. in which the fact of Croatian
political lining up in the First and Second World War is
hidden as well as the genocide committed over Serbs
from 1941 up to 1945.
Amnesty Law passed by the Croatian Government,
which obligated itself "it shall not bring legal charges
without the agreement of the International Tribunal in
the Hague", is effected by bringing new legal charges
for the alleged war crimes (in Bjelovar, criminal charges
have been brought against 43 persons of Serbian
nationality). And more than that: the number of Serbs
imprisoned and exposed to the pathological and
unheard of torture by their gaolers in Croatia is still
unknown. The imrisoned people are mainly innocent
ones unsuccessfully seeking salvation from the
fascist legal state (Croatia), from the Hague Tribunal
(which is not willing to try them because it is
"incompe-tent"), from the neocommunist and
criminalized authorities in FR Yugoslavia or from
non-governmental (actually well controlled) institutions
worldwide. Hunger strikes and desperation dominate
the Serbs imprisoned in Pozega, Split, Lepoglava,
Zagreb, Sisak, or Gospic (where Milan Brakus
hanged himself in March 1998.) while waiting for
the execution and induced biological death.
Dismissal of about 30 000 workers has also been
announced because of redundancy - "exclusively
applying to Serbian nationality citizens". According
to the stated words by the "Return Home" Association
of Croatian Citizens, Serbs lose their jobs "as they
are unable to fit into the national-working structure".
In Eastern Slavonia, salaries are paid only to Croats,
since for Serbs (e.g. in the food for cattle Factory in
Darda and "Belje" bakery in Beli Manastir) no ministry
has given financial aid; Croatian workers were helped
by the Ministry of Defence.
Organized burning of Serbian houses
(February-March '98. according to the Croatian
Helsinki Board) in Kordun and Bania (during the war
it was planned in Kraina and Western Slavonia)
shows the intention of the neofascist Croatia to exile
the remaining Serbs (after bestial extermination in
1914, 1941. and 1991) to third countries. Although
International community hasn't recognized genocide
in the "crusade actions" of the most accomplished
ethnic cleansing in the second half of the XX century
(about one million Serbs have been shifted), the
remaining Serbs are now being looked after by OSCE,
because according to what European Foreign Affair
Ministers, Iber Vedrin and Claus Kinkel, have said "
the speed of Croatian linkage to Europe" depends on
the "consequent fulfilment of all agreed obligations
(which means towards the Serbs as well).
Though the two ministers have not publicly criticised
the Croatian state leadership, it is known that
President Tudjman has been reproached for refusing
to accept the visit of the three ambassadors who
were taking him the European Union protest letter
due to his viewpoints exposed at the HDZ Party
I hope you will agree that based on such diplomatic
actions, it is difficult to puzzle out whether they imply
the care for the Croatian integration into Europe or
the care of the Serbs, the most deprived-of-rights
nation in Europe.
Massive emigration of Serbs from Slavonia to Norway
was the reason why the Norway delegation visited Zagreb
and Vukovar (February 1998). The delegation consisting
of the representatives belonging to the Ministry of Justuce,
Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Directorate for Foreigners
and the Council for Refugees, headed by Norwegian
Ambassador to Croatia, found out that "Serbs are exposed
to discrimination through administrative decisions"
and to constant maltreat-ment.
Mr President, having at least had a brief look at the
presented facts, doesn't Tim Gouldiman's remark, an
ambassador in the OSCE mission in Croatia, seem
cynical to you? The remark reads: "If members of other
ethnic groups leave Podunavlje, then the idea of peaceful
reintegration turns into its opposition: into the process of
ethnic cleansing which is something me must not allow to
happen". (From the interview given to
Feral Tribune, Split, 23.2.98).
The Truth Fund is familiar with the fact that there are
other ethnic groups in Podunavlje, and knows that apart
from the Orthodox Serbs no other ethnic gropu is
exposed to annihilation. Or perhaps the International
Community may put some pressure on Croatian
authorities only by the time thorough ethnic cleansing
of "other groups" (or "other groups in Podunavlje!")
will have been accomplished , or since Serbs are
considered to be an inferior nation, the application
of state terror is justified.

As the association of Serbian intelectuals The Truth
Fund expects from you, Mr President, to react according
to the presented viewpoints concerning Serbian population
in Croatia, stated in the letter forwarded to the Swedish
Prime Minister.
The Truth Fund also thinks An International
organized, bearing in mind that even on the holy Serbian
territory (Kosovo and Metohia) there are political talks
about "the profound anxiety" concerning the Albanians,
the ethnic group living in this part of the sovereign and
ancient Serbian state. The rights of other ethnic groups,
as well as the native Serbs, in the the homeland of Serbian
people, do not in the least attract the attention of the
political public - though American press wrote in detail
about the bestial Albanian behaviour towards Serbs and
Serbian sacred objects. We are of opinion, however,
just as You are, that Europe and the U.S.A. owe a principle
answer to every act of violence, humiliation and racism.
Best regards
Belgrade, April 12, 1998
For the Truth Fund of Serbs,
Predrag R.Dragic Kijuk

tel/fah: +381 (11) 42 77 84
* * * Iustitiae oculus vigilat * * *

[FWD]: Angelina Markovic