Re: Srbi, kultura, lazi i videotrake

Milan Pavlovic (
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 10:19:05 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Leon Sharri wrote:

> Postovani gospodine Pavlovicu,
> jedino cinjenica da ste diplomirani istoricar i da pisete sa Yale
> universiteta me je ucinila odgovornim da vam odgovorim na vase pismo
> upuceno nasoj borbi 10-tog Marta 98ด. U vasem pismu naime nije bilo
> niceg interesantnog, vasa misljenja su uobicajena medju Srbima ovih
> dana. Nacionalizam, mrznja i cisto zlo su na zalost deo srpske
> svakodnevnice ali to ce najverovatnije kat-tad proci. Sta je dakle meni

Postovani gospodine Sharri,

Zahvaljujem Vam na pismu. Veoma me raduje da udjem u dijalog sa
Albancima jer smatram da nase razlike treba prevazici, ili bar
pokusati prevazici, demokratskim dijalogom zasnovanim na cinjenicama,
a ne oruzjem i silom.

Zamolio bih Vas da podvucete delove mojeg teksta koji iskazuju
nacionalizam, mrznju, i cisto zlo. Hocu da znam koje moje stavove
tako dozivljavate i na osnovu cega sebi dajete za pravo da ih
kvalifikujete kao takve?

> Kao prvo zasto jedan skolovan Srbin upotrebljava albansku rec
> shqipetar umesto srpske reci albanac. Mozda vi nemce nazivate Dojceri?
> Ili engleze Inglismeni? Ne verujem. Vi vredjate gospodine, vredjate 2

Nisam znao da Vas to vredja. Ako je tako, upotrebljavacu rec "Albanci".

> milona ljudi od kojih vam najverovatnje nijedan nikada u zivotu nista
> lose nije uradio. Mozda su trebali? Nikad nije kasno. Molim vas da ne
> shvatite to kao pretnju nego jedino kao dokaz da svako moze da misli
> mrznjom a ne samo vi.

Na zalost, ja to dozivljavam kao veoma krupnu pretnju, i kao mrznju sa
Vase strane. Nikada me niste upoznali, ne znate sa kim se druzim, kakav
sam covek, samo znate ono sto ste procitali na forumu NB -- a ipak
donosite sud o meni i pretite.

Voleo bih da podvucete u mojim prethodnom tekostovima -- gde sam ja to
"mislio mrznjom"?

> Kao drugo, sta smo mi to vama dosta ucinili u zadnjih 50 godina
> ili bolje receno sta sam vam ja i moja porodica i gotovo svi albanci
> koje ja znam, ucinio? NISTA, BAS NISTA. A doslo je toliko daleko,

Dragi gospodine, mozda Vi konkretno nista niste uradili, ali ako hocete
da znate sta su ucinili Vasi sunarodnici iz Oslobodilacke Vojske Kosova u
samo protekle dve godine, prilazem spisak njihovih teroristickih dela pri
kraju ovog pisma. Da li Vi opravdavate njihove akcije? Da li ih
podrzavate? Da li poricete njihova zlodela?

Veoma me interesuje sledece -- da li Vi podrzavate etnicko ciscenje Srba
sa Kosova i Metohije? Vidite, pitam Vas to zbog toga sto ja ne podrzavam
etnicko ciscenje Albanaca. A cini mi se da vecina Albanaca, svojim
ponasanjem (pretnjama) i delima (ubistvima i napadima na Srbe), zeli
upravo to -- etnicki cisto Kosovo i Metohiju samo za Albance. Molim Vas,
ispravite me ako gresim.

> Srdacno vas pozdravljam i ostajem u ocekivanju vaseg odgovora,
> Leon Sharri Student Grac Austrija

Srdacan pozdrav,
Milan Pavlovic

Chronology of KLO's Terrorism and Aggression, Apr. '96 - Feb. '98


April 22: Blagoje Okulic, a Serb refugee from Croatia, was sitting with
a friend in a cafe when a masked member of the KLO opened fire
on the customers with an automatic weapon. Okulic died in
hospital. He was the first victim of the KLA.

Armand Daci (20), an ethnic Albanian student in dentistry
school, was shot and killed by a sniper.

June 16: In an attack against a police patrol near Podujevo, police
officer Goran Mitrovic was heavily wounded.

June 17: Around 11:55 p.m. a police patrol in the village of Siplje
near Kosovska Mitrovica was attacked, resulting in the killing
of Predrag Djordjevic (28) from Krusevac, and the wounding of
Zoran Vukocic (30) from Nis.

The same day a bomb was hurled at the police station in Luzani,
and the police officers on duty in the station were fired on by
automatic weapons. No one was injured.

July 11: One hour after midnight in the center of Podujevo terrorists
carried out an armed attack against police officers, resulting
in a heavy wounding of police officer Sredoje Radojevic.

Aug. 2: Armed attack on three police stations (in Pristina, Podujevo,
and the village of Krpimej) around 10 p.m.

Aug. 28: Three bombs were hurled in the village of Celopek (border of the
towns Pec-Klina-Decani), around 3 a.m. No one was injured.

In the village of Donje Ljupce police inspector Ejup Bajgora (44),
an ethnic Albanian who worked at the Pristina Precinct,
was shot and killed.

Aug. 31: In the night hours two bombs were hurled into the courtyard
of the Yugoslav Army's barracks in Vucitrn.

In the village of Rudnik (Srbica municipality) an armed attack
was carried out on the police station.

In Podujevo, police officers at the juncture of the road
Pristina-Podujevo-Kursumlija were fired on. No one was hit.

The police station in Glogovac was fired on with automatic weapons.

Oct. 25: Two police officers were killed by automatic weapons near the
village of Surkis in the Podujevo municipality -- Milos Nikolic,
a police inspector of the Pristina Precinct, and Dragan Rakic
from the village of Velika Reka, who was a police officer in the
reserves and a manager of a company in Podujevo.

Nov. 16: In the village of Rznic, in Decan municipality, around 10:30 p.m.
a terrorist attack was carried out on the police station. No one
was killed.

Dec. 26: Faik Belopolja, an ethnic Albanian from Podujevo who was a
forest worker in the Serbia Forest Service, was shot and killed.


Jan. 9: In the center of Podujevo at 5:30 p.m. Malic Saholi (52), an
ethnic Albanian who was the manager of the superamarket "Vocar"
and a deputy in the municipal council of Podujevo as a member of
the Socialist Party of Serbia, was shot and killed.

Jan. 11: In the Vucitrn village of Mijalic, around 7 p.m. more than
26 bullets were fired at the house of Ljubisa Mitrovic. No one
was killed.

Jan. 13: Shooting Fazil Hasani, an ethnic Albanian forest worker from the
village of Brabonic (Srbica municipality) in the neck, KLO
terrorists killed him and issued a statement denouncing
Mr. Hasani as a "traitor".

Jan. 16: Using remote-controlled explosives, the KLO attempted to
assassinate the Dean of Pristina University, Mr. Papovic,
at 8 a.m. as he was driving to the University. Both he and
his driver Nikola Lalic were heavily wounded. The explosives
were set off when their car was some 50 meters from Dean Papovic's
apartment in Pristina.

Jan. 17: In the village of Reketnica (Srbica municipality), at 1 a.m.,
ethnic Albanian Zen Durmisi (52) was shot and killed and his
son Nazmi Durmisi was heavily wounded. The Durmisi family was
labeled "pro-Yugoslav" by the terrorist KLA.

Feb. 1: KLO terrorists from a moving vehicle fired on police officers.
The officers fired back and killed all three terrorists.

March 5: At 10:47 a.m., in front of the Pristina University School of
Languages, a bomb in a container exploded. Four people were
wounded, two ethnic Albanians -- Adrijana Dremka and Lindita
Maksuti -- and two ethnic Serbs, Borivoje Popovic and Ivan

A second explosives device weighing 4.2 kilograms, which had
been placed at the base of the Vuk Karadzic monument in front of
the School of Languages, was found and deactivated by
members of the Anti-Ballistics Unit of the Pristina Precinct.

March 21: Around 8 p.m., in the center of Podujevo, KLO terrorists fired
five shots at police officer Branislav Milovanovic, wounding
him heavily. In a statement, the KLO claimed responsibility
denouncing officer Milovanovic as a "Serbian policeman, well
known blood-sucker and anti-Albanian".

March 25: Near the village Sicevo, Klin municipality, a group of attackers
killed ethnic Albanians Jusuf Haljiljaj and Fehmi Haziraj (who
were well known as loyal citizens of Serbia) and wounded
ethnic Albanian Mehmet Gasi.

April 10: In the village of Banjica near Glogovac, using automatic
firearms, KLO terrorists killed ethnic Albanian Ramiz Ljeka,
who worked at the Glogovac Municipal Council.

May 6: Around 10:30 p.m. in the village of Lozica near Klina, ethnic
Albanian Hetem Dobruna (30), a farmer from the village, was
shot and killed.

May 16: In Srbica near Kosovska Mitrovica police officers Miomir Kicovic
and Radisav Blanic were shot and heavily wounded.

June 19: On the Pristina-Podujevo-Nis road near the village of Donje Ljupce
in the Podujevo municipality, terrorists fired 12 bullets
from automatic weapons at a police patrol. No one was injured.

July 3: In the village of Trstenik, Glogovac municipality, in the early
morning hours the KLO shot and killed ethnic Albanian Ali Calapek,
a farmer who was a member of the Socialist Party of Serbia and a
member of the local Election Commission in the 1996 elections.

July 21: The Assistant District Attorney in Pec, Miroljub Petrovic, was
shot and killed.

Aug. 3: A police vehicle was fired on at 7 p.m., in the village of
Bradis which is 10 kilometers from Podujevo.

Aug. 4: At 9:30 a.m., on the road from the village of Rudnik to Srbica,
KLO terrorists from Drenica fired on a police vehicle using
automatic weapons. Police officers Milomir Dodic and Zoran
Boskovic were heavily wounded, and a civilian who was in the
car was lightly wounded.

Aug. 23: Forest worker Sadi Morina, an ethnic Albanian, was killed in
Srbica. Mr. Morina had already been receiving threats from KLO
terrorists for a long time because he remained to work
"in the service of Serbia".

Aug. 24: In the village of Zub near Djakovica an ethnic Albanian,
Kcira Ndue (32), was shot and killed, while his brother
Bekim Ndue was wounded.

The police station in the village of Rznic near Decani was
sprayed with gunfire.

Sept. 2: At 10:55 p.m. Ljimon Krasnici, an ethnic Albanian denounced
by the KLO terrorists as a "traitor", was killed in his home.

Sept. 12: A dozen attacks were carried out on police stations
in the municipalities of Pec, Glogovac, Decani, and Djakovica
around 11 p.m. No one was injured.

Sept. 13: Around 10 p.m. a hand grenade was hurled at the police
station in Luzano, near Podujevo.

Sept. 14: A hand grenade was hurled at the police station in Kijevo,
near Klina.

Sept. 23: Around 11 a.m. in the vicinity of the village of Kijevo,
the KLO opened fire on a motorized police patrol. Milan
Stanojevic, the commander of the Djakovica Precinct, was in
the vehicle. No one was injured.

Oct. 13: The police station in Calopek near Pec was attacked.

Oct. 16: Around 1:30 a.m. there was a terrorist attack on the police
station in the village of Klincina, which lies on the road
Pec-Pristina. Adrijan Krasnici (25) from Vranovci near Pec
died in the ensuing gun battle.

Oct. 17: Around 1 a.m. the residential community Babaloc, located between
Decani and Djakovica, where 120 Serbian refugee families who
fled from Albania several years ago are situtated, was attacked.

Oct. 20: The OVK claimed responsibility for attacks on police stations in
Babaloc, Calopek, and Klincina, as well as police patrols in
Gerlica near Urosevac and Balinac near Klina, about which the
public had not been informed earlier.

Nov. 18: Around 7 p.m. in the village of Komoran near Glogovac,
Camil Gasi, an ethnic Albanian deputy in the Parliament of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the chairman of the
Municipal Board of the Socialist Party of Serbia for Glogovac,
was wounded heavily. His driver was wounded as well.

Nov. 25: KLO terrorists held the police station in Srbica surrounded
for 15 hours.

Around 7 p.m. in Decani, and after midnight in the village of
Rznic, two terrorist attacks were carried out in which police
officer Dragic Davidovic (32) from Berane was killed, and
Ljubisa Ilic from Srbica, also a policeman, was heavily wounded.
Bojan Trboljevac from Leposavic, Srdjan Pavlovic (26) from
Zubin Potok, and Nedeljko Aksentijevic (30) from Kragujevac all
subsequently died from mortal wounds.

Dec. 4: The KLO claimed responsibility for an attack on Pristina Airport,
claiming that it shot down a "Cessna 310" on Nov. 26 killing all
five people on-board.

Dec. 15: Around 1 a.m. on the road Srbica-Klina three masked KLO terrorists
stopped a convoy of three cars with 16 Serbian civilian passangers.
According to the civilians' testimonies, the terrorists -- who
were armed with machine-guns and hand grenades -- threatened
them with death.

Dec. 19: Around 6 p.m. on the road Klina-Srbica, near the village of
Josanica, eight masked and heavily armed KLO terrorists stopped
the car of the civilian Milan Sapic from Lazarevac
threatening, insulting, and searching his family and him.

Dec. 25: Two terrorist attacks were carried out shortly after 3 p.m.
against police officers in the Podujevo municipality: In the
village of Zakut a police vehicle was fired on, and in the
center of Podujevo explosives devices were hurled at the
residential building where police officers live. There were no


Jan. 4: The KLO claimed responsibility for a series of terrorist
activities in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:
planting a bomb in front of the police station in Prilep,
which caused no injuries but demolished five cars;
attacking the police station in Kumanovo; and attacking
the Municipal Court in Gostivar on Dec. 16, '97.

Jan. 9: Shortly after 8 p.m., Djordje Belic (57) was shot and killed
with an automatic weapon at the doorstep of his house in the
village of Stepanica near Kijevo. Belic was the head of one of
the three remaining Serbian households in that village.

Jan. 12: In the town of Stimlje near Urosevac, shortly after midnight on
the night of Jan. 11/12, there was an armed attack on the
building in which seven families of police officers reside.
The shots ended up in the bedrooms of some of their apartments.
Miraculously, there were no victims.

Around 8 a.m., in the vicinity of the village Gradac near
Glogovac in Drenica, forest worker Sejdi Muja, an ethnic
Albanian, was shot and killed. He and another Albanian had been
stopped by a masked and armed three-member group of KLO
terrorists, and after checking his ID card established that
Muja was on their list of "traitors". They dragged him out of
the car and shot him, leaving his body by the road. He was a
"traitor" just because he worked in the Serbia Forest Service.

Jan. 13: The KLO issued a statement stating that its headquarters was in
Pristina. It also claimed responsibility for a series of terrorist
actions carried out in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:
an attack on the Municipal Court in Gostovar and the police
stations in Prilep and Kumanovo. It announced that it would
expand its actions into Montenegro.

Jan. 14: The headquarters of the Socialist Party of Serbia for Djakovica
were stoned overnight, Jan. 13/14. All windows were broken.
These were greetings for the "Serbian New Year" which is marked
on Jan. 14.

Jan. 19: In Srbica all graves at the Serbian Orthodox Cemetary were
desecrated and vandalized. The monuments at the graves were
completely destroyed.

Jan. 22: After a KLO patrol had been stopping, harassing, and threatening
citizens with death in the Srbica municipality the previous night,
there was a confrontation between that patrol and a patrol of
police officers. While chasing the KLO terrorists, who barricaded
themselves in the house of Saban Jasari in the village of
Donji Prekaz near Srbica, police officers killed the terrorist
Hasan Mandzol and lightly wounded two Jasari brothers.

A three-member KLO group kidnapped the taxi driver Metus Skodru,
an ethnic Albanian, and then took his cab, an Audi 90. They told
him he could buy his cab back if he showed up at a designated
place at a designated time, under the threat that he would be
liquidated if he called the police.

Jan. 23: On the night of Jan. 22/23, on the road Srbica-Klina near the
village of Josanica, Desimir Vasic, a deputy in the Municipal
Assembly of Zvecan was shot and killed.

On the same road, the same night, near the village Lausa
Blagoje Nikolivc from the village of Drsnik near Klina was
severely beaten until he became unconscious.

During the same night, KLO terrorists stopped, harassed, and
threatened with death a group of Serbian women heading to
Monastery Devic.

Jan. 25: On the night of Jan. 24/25, in the town of Malisevo, in the
very center KLO terrorists heavily wounded two police officers.

During the same night, KLO terrorists attacked the house of the
Djuricic family in the village of Grabanica, near Klina in Drenica.

Terrorists hurled a bomb at the house of a police officer in

Jan. 26: In the vicinity of the village of Turicevac, which is located
between Klina and Srbica, KLO terrorists opened fire using
automatic weapons on a helicopter belonging to Serbia's
Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Jan. 27: Again in the vicinity of Turicevac, an armed terrorist group
stopped Veroslav Vukojcic from Leposavic and his neighbors
Radmila and Zvezdana Vukajlovic. They beat them severely. The
victimis paid the terrorists to let them go -- Vukojvcic paid
500 German marks, and Vukajlovic paid 850 marks.

Jan. 28: A police patrol which was on its way to Decani to confiscate
illegal weapons from the family Tahirsuljaja fell into a
trap and was greeted with heavy gunfire from several houses.
Nevertheless, the officers managed to arrest seven members of
the Tahirsuljaja clan.

That evening, KLO terrorists fired at the house of
Dragoljub Spasic in the village of Sibovac near Obilic.

Feb. 10: A group of KLO terrorists appeared at a fundraising event for
the KLO in New York City. They received funding from over 150
Albanians attending the event. On that occasion, the KLO
terrorists proclaimed that they had killed 50 Serbian police
officers and "corrupt" Albanians in 1997.

Feb. 12: In Gornji Obrinj, in front of the village convenience store,
Mustafa Kurtaj, an ethnic Albanian who worked at the post
office in Glogovac, was shot and killed. He was shot in
broad daylight, in front of twenty onlookers, as a warning
to others. Prior to this, he had been repeatedly warned by
KLO terrorists that they would kill him unless he quit his
job at the state-run post office.

Feb. 15: Nik Abdulahu, an ethnic Albanian employee of the Serbia Electric
Utility, was shot and killed while at work, at the electricity
substation in the village of Staro Cikatovo near Glogovac.

Feb. 18: In the night between Feb. 17/18, KLO terrorists collected
firearms from ethnic Albanians in Drenica, for whom they
suspected that they did not support their cause. Those who did
not turn over their weapons were given a deadline to do so,
"othewise," they were told, "you will be shot".

The police checkpoint near the village Dobre Vode in the
Klina municipality was attacked with automatic weapons.

Feb. 19: While returning from work, an employee of the state security
service of Pristina Nebojsa Cvejic was shot and killed near the
village of Luzani.

In Podujevo, KLO terrorists hurled bombs at a refugee center
housing Serbian civilians who were "ethnically cleansed" from

Feb. 20: On the road Srbica-Klina, near the village of Lausi, KLO
terrorists shot and killed Milorad Ristic, a private
entrepreneur from Djakovica, and heavily wounded truck driver
Zdravko Djuricic from Orahovac.

On the same day, on the same road, near the village of Josanica
KLO terrorists opened fire on another truck, which was being
driven by an ethnic Serb. However, an ethnic Albanian hitchhiker
from the village of Lausi, who was sitting in the passenger seat
and whom the driver had picked up in Klina, was killed by the
KLO terrorists' gunfire.

That evening, on the road Klina-Djakovica, KLO terrorists set up
a roadblock where they beat up police officer Milenko Kandic.

Feb. 22: Ali Raci, an ethnic Albanian working at a Serbian-owned
agriculture company, was shot and killed in the village of
Dobre Vode at the entrance of the agriculture company. He had
refused to give in to the KLO's earlier warnings and blackmail
that he quit his job.

Feb. 26: Using hand grenades and automatic weapons, terrorists attacked
Serbian refugees from Albania housed in the refugee camp Babaloc
(located on the road Decani-Djakovica) for the third time.

Feb. 27: KLO terrorists attacked the houses in Srbica where Serbian
refugees from Croatia are temporarily housed.

At Monastery Devic, KLO terrorists harassed the head nun for
30 minutes. They ordered her to tell the police that they will
all be killed.

A KLO warehouse containing 12 kilograms of explosives with clocks,
several trunks of shells, and over 120 rocket launchers was
discovered in Prizren. Several terrorists were arrested.

Feb. 28: The house of the Culafic family in the village of Donji Ratis
(Decani municipality) was bombed.

Separately, in a confrontation between police officers and KLO
terrorists in Drenica (Glogovac municipality), four police officers
were killed: Miroslav Vujkovic, Goran Radojcic, Milan Jovanovic,
and Radojica Ivanovic. Police officers Pavle Damjanovic and
Slavisa Matejevic were heavily wounded. The exact number of
terrorists who were killed is still unknown.