Svetski Sabor Srba: e-Bulletin No 8 / December 8, 1997 [Engl. ed.]

Angelina Markovic (
Tue, 09 Dec 1997 22:25:23 +0100

e-Bulletin No 8/ December 8, 1997 [English ed.]



UN - General Secretary, Mr. Cofi ANNAN;
UN - Security Councile
President of the United States of America, Mr. Bill CLINTON
NATO-General Secretary, Mr. X. SOLANA
EU - Member States;
President of Russia, Mr. Boris JELZIN

Dear Madams and Sirs,

During the military mission in Bosna in 1995 the NATO
has used radioactive projectiles.

With regard to this incidence we send you with
this letter one of the verifying scientific studies.

We went to believe that the use of radioactive weapons
did not happen by order of Mr. Clinton and Mr. Solana,
but without their knowledge and without their approval.

We suppose that the decision to use radioactive projectiles
was made by some Generals influenced by the secret

> But nonetheless, we kindly request to send us
> a statement of this grave incident.

With kind regards,

Dr. Djordje Jovanovic, President



D. Ristic, R. Benderic and Z. Vejnovic
Institute of Security, Belgrade

M. Orlic and S. Pavlovic
Institute if Nuclear Sciences "Vinca", Belgrade


During the bombing of military and civilian targets in the Serbian
NATO forces have used special ammunition produced from depleted
uranium. Beside its great piercing power, it also presented a certain
radioactive hazard for the armed forces, the civilian inhabitants and
the environment as a whole.

Depleted uranium is a radioactive nuclear waste. Its radioactivity comes

from the decay of uranium-238, uranium-235 and other daughters. Measured

and estimated activity of the round is about 3,4 MBq. Total emission of
and beta particles from the round surface is 1.198 alpha, i.e. 35.914
particles per second. In contact with the rounds, because of the
of radioactive radiation, skin changes may occur (necrosis and
which can be visibly manifested in something less than 80 hours.

In this paper mechanical, physical and chemical characteristics of this
ammunition as well as the results of domestic and spectrometric
measurements and dose and affects estimate are given.


NATO forces have vastly used the ammunition produced out of depleted
uranium. Ammunition produced out of this uranium presents a radioactive
waste of the process of production of enriched uranium. The projectiles
are made of an aluminum shell of 86mm length and 30mm radius. Inside
the shell is a grey cylindrical armor-piercing round, which leaves the
shell upon stroking against an obstacle on its way to the target. The
of the cylindrical part of the core (round) is 16mm, while its length is

The top part of the round has a conic shape (Figure 1). Round's mass is
292.18g, its evaluated density 18.41 g/cm3.

/ picture -- Figure 1. Picture of the projectile/

Visual evaluation, measuring and studying of characteristic sizes and
characteristics established it to be ammunition of 30mm caliber,
API PGU -- 14/B propelled from the seven-barreled cannon
GAU 8/A type GELTING, with which aircraft A-10, stationed
at aircraft carriers, are armed. /1,2/


The hardness of the projectile core is 48 and 49 HR measured by the
ROCKWELL method (DIATESTOR 38106 HRo/HRb). Its hardness
according to BRINELL is 470 HRb while the X-ray-fluorescent
spectrometer PHILLIPS, model PW 1480. The samples were treated
with radiation with a continuous specter of the X-ray tube, with Rh
of "side window" construction, in vacuum. Two analitical-dispersive
crystals of type PET (2d=8,742A; hkl=oo2) and
LIF (2d=2,848 A; hkl = 220) enabled recording of light and
medium-weight, as well as large-weight elements /5/.
Recording and identification of the chemical elements spectral lines has

been made with the support of the appropriate PHILLIPS PC computer
and the software package PW 1492.

The analysis of the projectile cores (Figure 2) identified the
presence of uranium (U) and in relatively small concentration also iron
titan (Ti), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and circonium (Zr).

picture (Figure 2. RF Projectile spectre)

Based on the data obtained through a physical-chemical and mechanical
analysis, it can be concluded that the projectile cores are made of the
alloy that contains a high percentage of uranium.


Through measuring with the X-ray radiation detector
BERTHOLD D7547 Wildbad, RATD/F on the spot (on the ground),
the presence of radioactive radiation was established. The strength
of the gamma radiation dose in the air was about 0.1 (micro)æGy/h,
which made us suspect the presence of a radioactive material.
Therefore, dosimetric measuring and spectrometric analysis of
radioactive radiation were done.

picture (Figure 3. Dose rate dependence of the distance)

The dependence of the strength of the gamma radiation dose on the
distance, measured with the BABYLINE 31 SYSTEM CEA,
TYPE 433, Nardeux-Loches, is shown in Figure 3.


Gamma-spectrometric analysis was done with the gamma
spectrometer of type "ADCAM MCA-350" ORTEC with HP Ge
detector of high resolution (1,85 keV for energies of 1,33 MeV)
and detection efficiency 28.1% (Figure 4).

picture (Figure 4. Gamma radiation specter)

Measuring of alpha radiation was done with
"ALFA-SPECTROMETER-576 A" - ORTEC, of resolution
18 keV for energies of 5.4 MeV (Figure 5).

picture (Figure 5. Alpha radiation specter)

Measuring of low alpha and beta activities was made with
the counting system TENNELEC LB 51 00. For measuring
we used the flow proportional counter of counting efficiency
53,4% for Sr-90 and 43,9% for Po-210, of 80ug/cm2
window diameter.


Through gamma spectrometric measuring a large number of
characteristic peaks was established. The analysis of the obtained
peaks clearly points that are the consequence of the decay of
uranium-238 and uranium-235, and their descendants. Their analysis
with the correction of self-absorption established the activity of alpha

radiation measured on an alpha spectrometer with semiconductor
Si-Li detector and flew proportional counter are in accordance.


The greatest contribution to the strength of the dose is given by the
gamma radiation of mean energy of about 48 keV. It is equivalent to
the gamma constant of 0.071 (R cm2)/ (h Bq). The dose of radiation
treatment with gamma rays can derive only from the external
gamma radiation. The estimate of the worst case relates only to the
in direct contact with the sample. If we presume that effective distance

from the critical organ is 50cm, then the strength of the dose on that
distance is about 5(micro)æGy/h. That means that in 400 hours a dose
of 2mGy would be accumulated (which corresponds to the equivalent
dose of 2mSv), i.e. to the dose that an individual average receives from

natural sources of radiation. The dose of 5mSv (annual dose for
inhabitants) will be received in 1000 hours, and dose of 50 mSv
(annual dose for professionals) in 5000 hours (about 200 days) /8,9/.

The strength of the absorbed alpha radiation dose on skin surface
(physical contact) is 0.50 Sv/h.cm2. As it is well-known, changes on
the skin appear with the equivalent dose of 40 Sv. If the skin is in
contact with the round changes in it will appear in about 80 hours.
The number of alpha particles emitted from the total surface of the
round is 1198, which means that changes could appear even much earlier

The strength of the absorbed dose of beta radiation in contact with the
skin is about 1,4 mSv/h.cm2. Changes on skin caused by beta radiation
will be manifested in about 28.500 hours.

The number of beta particles emitted from the total surface of
the round is 35.914 per second, which means that changes on
the skin could appear much earlier. /8/.


During bombing of inhabited places in the Serbian Republic,
NATO forces have used special ammunition of 30mm caliber,
made out of the depleted uranium. Depleted uranium is a radioactive
nuclear waste. Its radioactivity comes from the decay of uranium-238,
uranium-235 and their descendants. Measured and estimated activity
of the round is about 3,4 MBq. Total emission of alpha and beta
particles from the round surface is 1.198 alpha i.e., 35.914 beta
per second. In contact with the rounds, because of the presence of
radioactive radiation, akin changes may occur (necrosis and ulceration)
which can be visibly manifested in something less than 80 hours.
According to our regulations and the International standards, uranium
belongs to the group of toxic elements and is classified in the II group

of radionucleids of very high radio toxicity.

This type of ammunition presents, besides other things, a form
of radioactive arms whose use cannot be justified with anything
and its application is in essence a crime against humanity and
the international law.

Therefore a protest should be put forward to the United Nations,
the OEBS, to European Union, International Agency for Atomic
Energy, and to other international political and humanitarian


/1/ Haye, C.L. Rios F.G. and Thoront, J.I. "Density Characterization
of Armor Piercing Ammunition," Journal of Forensic Sciences,
JFFFFSCA, Vol. 40, No.3 pp. 401-405, May 1995

/2/ SATORYX, TOME 1. Paris 1985

/3/ JUS ISO 6580, 1994, Mehanicka ispitivanja metala,
Ispitivanje tvrdoce po Rokvelu (Skala A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-K)
"Mechanical examinations of metals, Examination of the hardness
according to Rockwell - Scale A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-K".

/4/ JUS C.A.U. 032, 1986, Mehanicka ispitivanja materijala,
Izracunate vrednosti tvrdoce po Brinelu ;"Calculated values of
hardness according to Brinell"

/5/ Benderac R. Primena rendgenfluorescentne analize u sluzbi
bezbednosti, HTI-38, Institut bezbednosti, 198; "Application of
X-ray-fluorescent analysis in the security services," HTI-38
Institute of Security, 1988

/6/ Erdtmann, G. Sovka, W. "The Gamma Rays of the
Radionucleids, Topical presentations in Nuclear Chemistry,"
Vol. 7 1979

/7/ "Radionucleide transformation, Energy and Industry of
Emissions, ICRP Publication 38, Volumes 11-13, Pergamon
Press, 1983

/8/ Profio A. E. "Radiation Shielding and Dosimetry," John
Wiley & Sons, New York 1979

/9/ ICRP Publication 30. "Limits for Intakes of Radionucleids
by Workers," Annals of the ICRP, Editor Sowby, F.D.
Persimmon Press 1982.

+ + +

> Published in:PROCEEDINGS 1997
> Supplement Ip.p. 557-561
> ed. by Dragoljub P. Antic
> Yugoslav Nuclear Society&
> VINCA - Institute of Nuclear Sciences
> Belgrade, 1997 / © All Rights reserved

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[FWD]: Angelina Markovic