Milosevic started the war to form Greater Serbia, but instead got
empoverished Serbia and Greater Croata. On the hand Milosevic and Tudjman
agreed to divide Bosnia, which they achieved. Croatia got rid of a bothersome
Serbian minority and will not be willing to have them back. After the
massacre of the Muslim population in Bosnia it sound utopian to expect a
harmonious life of the 3 ethnic groups in the future. This leads me to
conclude that the present 3-part division of Bosnia will stay, in spite of
the fact that most officials in the U.S. government (including Mrs. Albright)
still insist in resurrecting Bosnia in its AVNOJ's borders. Having a bad
geopolitical position, squeezed between two powerful and hostile neighbors it
is hard to visualize that the Muslims (Boshnyaks) could restart the conflict
in the near future to regain some of the territories ... but, it cannot be
ruled out in 5 or 10 years' time. Therefore, there is no solution to the
problem WHERE ALL THE SIDES WILL BE SATISFIED, which means we will have the
Balkans in turmoil for some time.
Vukovich, Miami FL