Monday, June 24, 1996


Triumph of the Minority

"Socialist Party of Serbia expect complete triumph this year in Kosovo and Metohija" told 'The Interview' Vojislav Zivkovic, president of the regional SPS committee. "Albanian members of our party, whose number increases by the day, will vote..."

The Interview: "How many Albanians are there in SPS?"

Mr. Zivkovic: "About 1,500 to 2,000. And that is not a few, considering the complexity of this grave situation here..."

Indeed, that will be a triumph, with only one ppt [part per thousand] Albanians...

The Essence of Elections

"Washington Times" journalist reports from Drvar that forced Bosnian election will only complicate an already complex situation and lead to a definitive dissolution of the country into two or three states.

"When Ivica Angelic votes by the end of this year in general elections in Bosnia, the ballot of this 24-year-old Croat will be 'as important as if he had killed ten Moslems or ten Serbs,' in his words, uttered a few days ago over hot dog, eyes fixed on the devastated streets of this small town in western Bosnia.

"I will vote to make sure Bosnia never unites again," says Angelic, a refugee and former Croat soldier in central Bosnia. "After all, that is the point of the elections, isn't it?" Such was the deal between Tudjman and Milosevic, wasn't it?

Times of Mediocrity

Predrag Milojevic, veteran of Serb journalism, writes in his column "I say to myself" in "Politika":

"Leading politicians in international politics seem to be losing in importance and stature. As if it's a rule that the less important politician inherits the post of his greater predecessor. Bill Clinton is not like JFK; Mitterand was not like De Gaules, Jacques Chirac is not like Mitterand; Margaret Thatcher was not like Churchill, but John Major isn't even close to Thatcher; Helmut Kohl is not Conrad Adenauer; Tito was not Nikola Pasic, and Milosevic is not Tito...And nobody is Roosevelt, Hitler or Stalin, nor can he be - for this is the time of mediocrity. Ideologues succeeded practicalists..."

The list, of course, continues ad infinitum: Momir Bulatovic isn't like King Nikola, Zoran Lilic is not like Dobrica Cosic, Mira Markovic not Edvard Kardelj, Tudjman isn't Pavelic, and not even the writer of these lines is Predrag Milojevic...

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