of the Office of HRH Aleksandar,
Heir to the Throne

Message from HRH Aleksandar, Heir to the Throne, to the students of Belgrade University

I address you at the time when the question of democracy in Belgrade and Serbia is being decided. I wish to convey my gratitude and admiration of the fact that you are at the head of the fight and protest against autocracies of the individuals in power who are ignoring the will of the people. The annulment of the results of the local elections is unacceptable and it is high time for the authorities to realize that. You are fighting, together with the whole democratic opposition, for a just cause and against the trampling of the regime upon the basic human rights. It is very important for you to endure in this fight.

Your fight has the support not only of all domestic democratic forces but also of our friends in the world who wish Serbia to be admitted to the international community of democratic countries. This can be observed in the writing of the foreign press which is following the events in Serbia and Montenegro with undivided sympathy. Your future and ours depends on the success of your fight.

We have witnessed the tragic exodus of young educated people abroad. The departure of these people was a shattering blow to our country and our people. Many left because of the war, and many because the country and society did not allow them to show and expand their talents. Many left because of the feeling of hopelessness, which succeeded the conclusion that things will never get better.

But, dear students, you are a living proof that hope of better days still exists. With your participation in the movement for democracy you have shown faith that democracy will triumph and that autocracy will come an end. A new state of freedom and justice will enable each citizen to improve their life in all aspects, be sure of that. That is why you must endure and proceed along the path you have taken.

London, November 29 1996.

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