Foreign Agencies on November 30th, 1996

Saturday, November 30, 1996 5:08 pm EST
Yugoslavia Youth Protest Grows
By MISHA SAVIC Associated Press Writer

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP)
The rally began when about 15,000 students took to the streets in the 13th day of protests against Slobodan Milosevic, and it grew throughout the day.

``This is the fight for democracy and our future,'' said Milica Panic, a 23-year-old law student, as she joined a long column of marching youths. ``It is not just a fight for election results.''
Students said that nullification of the election results presents ``an attack on basic human rights and principles.''

``There is no future for us here if the regime can do what they want,'' said medical student Mirko Zivkovic, 21. ``What kind of country is this?''

``If we don't succeed, we are lost,'' said Mirko Nikic, 22, a psychology student, ``Then we can all just leave the country.''

More than 200,000 young people have left Serbia since Milosevic rose to power in 1987 and encouraged wars in Croatia and Bosnia before publicly backing peace in the Balkans.

Many left because they did not want to fight, but many also went searching for a better future in the West.

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