
On Wednesday 27.11.1996 exactly at noon the Student protest had started in front of the building of the Faculty of Philosophy which was attended by 200-300 people according to the RTS (Serbian Radio and TV). According to our estimation it was attended by a few thousand people, students of the University of Belgrade.

We should mention that even besides the prohibition of their Dean, colleagues from the Faculty of the Agricultural Sciences came from Zemun (part of Belgrade), as well as the students from the Faculty of Pharmacy where there was also the prohibition of the “politicization” of the University. Pupils of some high schools joined the students, as well as the leaders of some parties who fully supported students from Belgrade and Serbia.

One of our highly respected professors from the Faculty of Philosophy was among the speakers. He is also the leader of one political party, but let’s not speak about that now. Besides the ugly weather (snow and rain) “a little group” of “200-300” students continued with their protest, giving the support to the protection of the constitutional rights of the citizens.

On the protest gathering support was given to our only (for now) objective newspapers , which was published in a few hundred thousand copies, but because of the “technical” problems it had to reduce the number of copies to 60-80 thousand.

The associator of this paper was not able, because of objective technical reasons, to be present at the gathering till the end, so we will notify you about the possible proceeding events in the next number.

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