The Nobles Prize for stupidity
Our (i.e. their) destructive policy of peace, freedom and the economic prosperity has scored many "victories" in various (battle)fields, but what is new is that it has proved to be successful even in the field of science. This years laureate of the Nobles Prize for physics is Gorica from our parts of the world. Our young and widely acclaimed scientist Goca, a true disciple of the not-so-well known physicist Albert Einstein, proved the questionable relativity theory on a practical example. She expressed her law through the so-called lex specialis, which cites: "Who says that they won; everything is relative". But the unjust, cruel world (nicknamed the powers of darkness), sent us the speedy Gonzales, who, fortunately for us, has never studied that kind of physics. However, Goca does not give up. She confirmed her proof with an experiment. While working on the diffraction of light through an opening in a ballot box, she came to an epochal discovery - it is very dark in a sealed box. At the same time she proved the two-faced nature of (His) LIGHT. The results of Goca's diffraction pointed to the occurance of local minimums and maximums, equally distributed. When she spectrally disassembled the permeated light, the already expected arrangement of colors was observed: red - Dedinje; yellow - in the zone of the future brotherly China-town; blue - on the Branko's bridge; pink* - by the Central Committee building, and purple (composed of black and blue) was dispersed, because the citizens, black and blue from the "blue activities" did just that - dispersed. The scientist Goca refuted one of the basic laws of physics: "That the (electoral) MATERIAL cannot be discomposed and created out of nothing, especially if you have nothing to start with". But our excellent scientist pointed to us the flaws in the laws of biology, proving that the ballots multiply, by simple division, but also by schitzogonia and copulation as well. But these incestuous ballots (which came into being by copulation of brotherly and sisterly parties) produced mutant ballots. Through all these examples, our science showed that we too have a horse (more precisely, a whole herd) to race with! From the sources near to the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and Art, we discover that there will not be any problems in the election of the laureates worth mentioning. The organization of the elections will be similar to the one of the local elections in Serbia, which proved to be successful, and Goca herself is expecting to be elected after a few rounds - with a technical knock-down. After Goca is presented with the Nobles Prize, as a backward mind (that is, a mind who, unfortunately went back to her country), she will find it a lot easier to finally start an international career. We wish them much luck with her!
* pink is the name of an 'artistic' television station
Student prolektor 007