Wake the Revolution in Yourself!!!
On the 100th day of the Student Protest something which the lower-signed have been hoping for a long time happened. On that day whistles our prime (and only) weapon started working again. We asked ourselves did the students come to see one of the last walks, or perhaps unlike many of the previous this one had a goal? Or maybe it was interesting?! We also ask ourselves whether we academic citizens, cream (with a strawberry on top) of our people need interesting walks to fight against injustice? Or is it enough to remember everything and read the title of this text? So how, for goodness sake, after such a reminder can we shout at our assemblies that we want classes and at the same time deem ourselves the hope of the nation and proudly ware protest buttons of our schools?! If we give up before the sound of the WHISTLE sounds the end, it will be a Defeat!!! Dear colleagues, at least openly say that you are for the NSP (Independent Student Movement) and poor Nemanja, so that we know how many of you there are. There will always be more of US.
Joe, TeaNoSugar, Baby Cate & VCFEst