At the yesterday's session of the Main Board (GO) there were 23 representatives of the Belgrade University, University of Art and the BK University present. The session was of an informative nature. The chairman, the representative of the School of Theology in the GO, conducted the session successfully until the moment when the quorum started to misteriously increase. Seriously, we received some useful information:

*The School of Applied Arts and Designed started operating yesterday. Since the representatives of this school weren't present, we were deprived of an explanation of this situation.

*The Council of Deans and Vice-deans in charge of the lectures worked out a plan for the compensation of the lectures, provided the protest is ended by February 17th.

*Rastko Kostic was released from the hospital for the weekend, with the necessary therapy. He is returning to the Trauma Center on Monday. Rastko organized a protest walk with the patients through the corridors of the Center yesterday. This information caused applause and the shouts of excitement from everybody present.

*The today's gathering of the students is at the Plato at 18:00. The usual evening route around the state controlled television building has been planned. We will be joined by the doctors, dentists and pharmacists.


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