It has begun...
Between 00:30 and 01:00, the students, members of the student PRESS of the PMF witnessed one of the numerous crimes committed by the armed, raving mad, and pretty blood-thirsty forces of our so called president. A group of a few dozen citizens, escaping the police from the direction of Dorcol, came to the PMF building on Student Square through Kapetan Misina street. Hunted by a pack of cops, they ran through a colonnade before the PMF entrance headed for the Zmaja od nocaja street, but yet another patrol wagon with the blue pests was approaching. The boys turned to the other side and came to the PMF entrance, where they were greeted by another group of the president's executioners who jumped out of a CIVILIAN white "golf" and beat them brutally with clubs, very much used on that night, at the very eyes of a few students who were standing at the PMF front steps, intent to aid the refugees by letting them in the building. Three boys and an older man pulled themselves out of the "blue angels'" bloody hands and ran into the building, and those who remained before the entrance were beaten and then driven away in an unknown direction. The misterious civilian "golf" disappeared in the night in which the beaters ruled. The citizens who found salvation in the PMF building feared that the blood-hounds could enter the School as well, but the present students convinced them that it is impossible, because the police are forbbiden by law to enter the University. Later on we learned that the bandits burst into the School of Philosophy building for a short while, which persuaded us that we live in a country in which the law is not respected even by those who should protect it.
What is there to say. After all the treats, little gifts and flowers we handed to them, while we were standing in front of their cordons for days, after all the cynical smiles we drew from them, their turn came to treat us - all the citizens, students included. Since the Big Brother of this wilderness (although younger and less experienced than "the" older one) has decided to introduce police dictatorship, it is clear that we have two very precisely defined roads ahead of us. The first is that we, frightened with their terror and our bloodshed (the real one) succumb. The epilogue to this action we probably can't picture ourselves even in our wildest nightmares. The other option is that we get out on the streets and support the citizens who are fighting for a democratic future, and out of whom many suffered in the yesterday's offensive of the governments antipeople's forces.
TeaNoSugar & Dalex