I support everyone's right to a free, just and democratic system. This
is a human right that transcends borders and ethnicity.
Yours Truly,
Matija Gotovac
Croatian Internet Network
Drage moje kolege,
U ovom trenutku mogu samo da vam izrazim moju moralnu podrsku s
obzirom da vec dve godine studiram u Engleskoj. Vest o narodnim
demonstracijama i ukljucivanju studenata u njih se brzo siri medju
srpskim studentima i iseljenicima sirom sveta. Medijsko pokrivanje u
Engleskoj je sve bolje i bolje ali primarni izvor informisanja nase
emigracije i dalje ostaju Nasa Borba, B92 i Nezavisna Svetlost.Svi srpski
studenti u Engleskoj podrzavaju,ubedjen sam,u potpunosti mirne proteste
srpskog naroda i zale sto i fizicki nisu sa vama. Ukoliko bude jos bilo
potrebno spremni smo da vam se pridruzimo sredinom decembra. Ja bih licno
iskoristio priliku da pozdravim celokupnu generaciju'75 koju sam ne tako
davno predvodio u uspesnom protestu maturanata 1994. Ukoliko ste u
mogucnosti odgovorite na nase pismo i informisite nas o organizaciji i
vodjama vaseg proteste kao i o zadacima koje bismo mozda mogli da obavimo
S postovanjem
Jovan Ratkovic
University of East Anglia
Studentima i profesorima Univerziteta u Srbiji
zelim puno uspeha u protestima protiv diktature.
Dr. Vladica Trenkic
University of Nottingham
Dragi studenti Univerziteta u Beogradu,
Uvek ste bili kula svetilja slobode i otpora protiv tiranije. Moje misli i moje srce su i danas sa
vama na trgovima i ulicama Beograda. Vas kolega, bivsi student Masinskog gakulteta u
Beogradu (Index br: 319/71)
Dimitrije Stamenovic
Assoc. Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts
Drage kolege,
Sa zadovoljstvom sam prosledio vasu poruku svim zaposlenima i studentima
na University of South Florida, uz kontakt e-mail-adresu.
Srdacno Vas pozdravljam i zelim Vam uspeh.
Dr.Predrag Polic,
Docent Hemijskog Fakulteta
Univerziteta u Beogradu
Nadam se da ce te uspeti u onome sto smo mi poceli 91' i92'. Ja sam svim
srcem sa vama.
Student TMF-a, generacija 89.
Predrag Bursac
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Svim studentima u Srbiji !
Primi te veliku podrsku u odbrani demokratije!
Vlade Divac
Charlotte, N.C.
U ime preko 20 svrs^enih studenata ETF-a generacije 1985/86
(izvezeni "Milos^evic'evim ekonomskim programom" u Kanadu)
s^aljemo vam neogranic^enu podrs^ku da istrajete da se
ne dozvoli da se gradjani Srbije prave glupavim i maloumnim,
i da nikako ne prihvatite ove zadnje manipulacije jednog
ishabanog i prevazidjenog rez^ima.
Mi smo demonstrirali 9. marta 1991 i uradili jos^ pones^to
za demokratski preobraz^aj Srbije - ali nedovoljno.
Ali vi sada imate jedinstvenu s^ansu, kada ste uhvatili lopova
u kradji koju svi vide osim (nezavisnih SPS) sudova.
Zato ne marite na hladnoc'u koja vam sad ne ide na ruku i
istrajte do ispunjenja vas^ih zahteva.
Jer ako se jos^ jednom navuc^e ludac^ka kos^ulja akademskim
gradjanima Srbije (posle podcenjivac^kog prijema delegacije
BU u leto 1992) - nec'e vis^e biti Sunca na nebu i prostora
za progres i napredak. Postac'emo svi obic^na raja jednog
brac^nog para !
Dovrs^ite s^to je ostalo nedovrs^eno!!
Slobodan Bobi Vukovic'
Nenad Glavan
Zoran Kuruzar
Nada Glavan
Branko Zatezalo
Olja Milos^evic'
Nenad Lazovic'
Dejan Pejovic'
Branko Markovic
Deana Kisic'
Sas^a C'irkovic'
Goca Nikitovic'
Katarina Blaz^evic'
Zoran Kehler
i mnogi drugi
Drage kolege,
jedino za cim zalim u ovom trenutku je sto zbog istih onih koji su ponistili
izbore nisam student Beogradskog Univerziteta i sto nisam sa vama.
Istrajte, ne dozvolite da uguse nase snove.
Predrag Pedja Markovic
BA IV (Hons.)
Communication Studies
University of Malta
Pomoz' Bog junaci!
pratim vec nekoliko dana vasu dostojanstvenu borbu za konacnu pobedu istine
i slobode svih postenih gradjana Srbije. Ja sam bio student naseg casnog
Univerziteta u Beogradu - Gradjevinskog fakulteta i trenutno sam na
doktoratu u USA. Ali, dusa mi je ostala u mom rodnom Beogradu, tamo gde ste
vi krenuli u odlucujucu bitku protiv "snaga haosa i bezumlja".
Molim vas da istrajete i sperete ljagu sa srpskog naroda, te da se uskoro
svi okupimo u slobodnoj i srecnoj Srbiji.
Pridruzicu vam se sredinom decembra, ako do tada mogu nekako da pomognem
samo javite.
Dragoslav Stefanovic
University of Minnesota, USA
Postovane kolege,
1992, kao docent Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
punim srcem sam podrzao studentski protest i cinio sve sto je bilo u
mojoj moci da se zaista pravedni zahtjevi ispune. Svi znamo ishod.
Ovog puta vasi zahtjevi su svedeni na jednu rjec: pravda. Molim vas,
istrajte! Imate pravo na buducnost; zahtjevajte je!
Sa ove udaljenosti ne mogu vam se pridruziti izuzev verbalnom podrskom
i sirenjem informacije o vasem protestu.
Hvala vam na vasoj hrabrosti! S postovanjem,
Dr Darko Radovic
The University of Melbourne
As a student of Belgrade University during 1990. I have participated in
several demonstrations.
Sometimes there was less than 1,000 people on the Square of Republic or in
front of the Republic's
Presidency. I am still proud that I was there. So you should be very proud,
too, that you are
now on the streets of Belgrade and fighting for your future, the future of
people around you and
the future of your children. Don't give up, please. People all over the
world are watching and their
sympathy is on your side. My soul, thoughts and love is with you. Until
Serbia is free
from this evil system that destroyed, damaged or change so many of our people,
Djordje Lj. Lazarevic
Silicon Valley, California
Svim srcem, u ime Srpske zajednice u Montrealu, podrzavam vase napore
da Srbiji konacno svanu neki novi slobodni dani. Verujte, u vasoj borbi niste
sami! Ceo svet je uz vas, jer se borite za slobodu.
Milan M.
Drage nase kolege i sugradjani,
Fizicka udaljenost nas ne sprecava da budemo sa vama svim srcem i dusom.
Ponosnimo se vasom upornoscu i istrajnoscu koju pokazujete ovim
protestom. Verujemo u trenutak konacne pobede.
U medjuvremenu, zahvaljujuci pre svega B92, Nezavisnoj Svetlosti, Nasoj
Borbi, kao i web stranici Beogradskih Studenata, sirimo vesti
prijateljima i kolegama po celom svetu. Izdrzite do kraja!!
Ukoliko mozemo nesto da ucinimo i doprinesemo nasoj pobedi javite nam se.
S postovanjem vasi:
Ivana Ivanic Andrej Zdravkovic Sasa Jankovic
University of Sussex, Brighton, England
Imajte snage i volje da istrajete u protestu protiv diktature bezumlja,
lazi i gluposti. Srbiji zasluzuje slobodu, a ne Slobodana.
Dr. Branko Kolarevic
University of Hong Kong
Studentskom protestu 96.
Nov. 28 1996.
Puna podrska studentskom protestu 96 uz zelju da se demokratskim
i nenasilnim sredstvima legitimne gradjanske neposlusnosti postignu
promene i u nasoj zemlji, a oni koji su do ovog doveli pozovu na
politicki i pravnu odgovornost.
Prof. dr Stevan Lilic
Pravni fakultet
Svaka cast svim studentima Beogradskog fakulteta,na fenomenalnoj ideji
prezentacije na Internetu!Primite pozdrave od svojih kolega sa
fakulteta u Nisu.Izdrzimo svi zajedno do konacne pobede!
odbor protesta studenata
Ekonomskog fakulteta u Nisu!
Dear Protestors;
For the past 5 years I have dedicated my life to the cause of
freedom and democracy in former Yugoslavia. I have exhausted
my personal savings of over $100,000 dollars and I have
neglected my own business and my family to devote my time to
the Serbian people whom I love.
One of the most important aspects of democracy is the one man,
one vote right that is the cornerstone of this concept of
government. Milosevic just defecated on this right with great
Communist expertise.
I was disappointed that the students in Belgrade were so
silent during the Bosnian Civil War as I am from the
generation of anti-war protestors of the 60's who were vocal
about the war in Vietnam. I am of course outraged at the
silence of most Serbs in Belgrade who refused to help their
fellow Serbs during the cleansing of the Krajina where my
father was born in the village of Vojnic.
I was confused that I was spending my hard earned savings and
consuming my valuable time to defend you and your desire for
freedom, but you were arrogantly ignoring your own people.
How disappointed I am than tens of thousands of young men left
your country instead of fighting for its freedom. Serbs have
never been cowards, but maybe Communism taught you those
hideous skills, too.
Now that the shoe is on the other foot and your ox is being
gored, you now realize the consequence of indifference and the
tyranny of silence. If the Serbs practiced Sama Sloga from
the beginning of this war, none of you would be in the
position you find yourselves in today. So maybe a valuable
lesson had to be learned the hard way-with human sacrifice.
As a Serb, I know about our stubborn personalities, we can't
be told anything, we know it all. Well maybe it is time to
start thinking again like the thousand year-old Christians
that we were, and begin to respect a religious tradition that
gave us the proud heritage that I fight to preserve. We need
to start practicing compassion and concern for each other
again. These Christian values are at the root of a culture
that survived because of these values, not in spite of them.
Your generation has an opportunity to return to that kind of
human substance. Without it you are a hollow shell.
Your brothers and sisters gave their lives, their homes and
their civil and human rights to fight for what was theirs. It
was all taken away from them while the majority of Serbs in
comfortable Belgrade remained silent. Even the 630,000 Serb
refugees in Belgrade are treated like sub-humans. You should
also be fighting for their right to work, and their right to
human decency. You are now paying the price for your arrogant
silence and your disgusting egos.
But maybe it is not too late, maybe this has been your wake up
call and now that you have experienced the tyranny of
self-interest you have finally come to your senses and are
willing now to start practicing Sama Sloga. In unity you can
finally start fighting for your God given rights. Six hundred
and five years ago 77,000 Serbs gave their lives on the field
of blackbirds in Kosovo believing that no man had a right to
rule another. Perhaps, too, it is time for you to start re
reading your own history and start to once again believe in
I will continue to write and publish my articles about this
war and continue to fight for your right to be free. But,
your fight has just begun, your task now is not to just
overthrow Milosevic, your task is to take back the power that
is yours. Don't expect the United States to come to your aid,
they are the ones who created this situation. They give you
lip service, the State Department is secretly applauding what
Milosevic has done. In our press the Ambassadors who demonized
you with collective guilt and who demanded freedom and
democracy in Bosnia are as silent as a mute. Why? Because the
only way the NATO powers can control your part of the world is
to totally dominate 10 million Serbs. You are at the apex of
the center of trade routes through that part of the world, the
envy of other nations that created two World Wars trying to
take from you that which is yours. The US also has a fear of
the Russian Bear and in this fear the United States is
planning to build a navel base in Albania. There is no way
the United States could have done that without this war and an
excuse to have a presence in the Balkans. Why are the
Americans building 12,000 toilets in Tuzla if they are
supposedly going home this year or next, it is because the
American troops will be in Bosnia for many years to come. You
are not only being dominated by a Communist dictator, you are
being dominated by the American Military and the American
government, the sooner you realize that this is as great a
threat to your existence as is Milosevic, the sooner you will
realize that your task means your very survival. Your job is
to come together as a unit of strength by putting aside all of
your petty differences and like the Croats and Muslims focus
your vision on your freedom first, then you can fight amongst
yourselves over who you want to run your nation. Learn to row
your political boat in the same direction. Don't let the
American State Department take advantage of our weakest trait
of splitting into too many groups that none of them have any
strength or power.
May Almighty God smile upon you and may St. Sava
give you the courage to gain back that which is yours.
Wm. Dorich, President
Serbian American Voters Alliance
William Dorich is author/compiler/producer of the 1991 book,
'Serbian Genocide 1941-45,' the 1992 book, 'Kosovo,' the 1994
book 'The Suppressed Serbian Voice and the Free Press In
America' and his current book, 'A Brief History of Serbian
Music.' William (Vaso) is a founding member of the Kosovo
Charity Fund within the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of
Western American, in association with IOCC, International
Orthodox Christian Charities. His articles appear
regularly in The American Srbobran, Sloboda, and
Voice of Canadian Serbs. His views have been published
in the New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street
Journal,The Arizona Republic, Southwest Jewish Press, The
Washington Times, The Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune
and the ABA Journal, the magazine of the American Bar
Dragi studenti, kolege, braco i sestre,
U ovim vaznim trenutcima razvoja demokratije, ljudskih prava i vracanje
dostojanstva nasem narodu, imate punu i otvorenu podrsku od studenata
univerziteta drzava New York i New Jersey, USA. Mnogo nam je zao sto
fizicki nismo prisutni sa vama, ali u svakom trenutku mislimo na vas i
molimo se za konacne promene. U nadi za bolja vremena,
Marko Stojanovic
predsednik Srpskog Kluba, Stevens Institute of Technology.
Jason Eliopulous
president of Greek Club, Stevens Institute od Technology.
podrska istih klubova : New York State University, New York University,
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Rutgers University, Ramapo College,
Cornell University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Hunter College,
St. Mary's University, Mont Clair College, Kean College, Drew
Thanks for the posting. I have reposted it to several socialist and peace
lists here which may not be on the HCA line.
Our best wishes - to put it mildly! - to the students and workers and
citizens of Belgrade. I wish that Clinton would make some statement of
David McReynolds
Socialist Party and War Resisters League
Drage nase kolege,
Upucujemo vam poruku podrske i solidarnosti u vasoj
borbi za demokratizaciju domovine.
Verujemo u vasu istrajnost i bolju buducnost cele
S' nadom u povratak u slobodnu zemlju,
bivsi studenti PMF-a
Draga Vidakovic, Profesor Matem. Edukacije, (North Carolina State
University, Raleigh)
Branislav Vidakovic, Profesor Statistike, (Duke University, Durham)
Dragi studenti i djaci Srbije
Pisemo vam da bismo vam izrazili nase najiskrenije postovanje i
divljenje za hrabrost, dostojanstvo i samodisciplinu koju pokazujete u
vasem protestu.
Iako mladi, vi dajete lekcije starijima iz prava i zivota. Jos su
stari Rimljani znali da je "vox populi, vox dei", ali su mnogi nasi
politicari, naviknuti na lakocu vladanja, tu mudrost zaboravili. Zivot
jeste stalna borba i takmicenje i u njemu treba znati biti pobednik,
ali jos vaznije, biti castan gubitnik. Naterajte nase politicare da i tu,
propustenu lekciju zivota, nauce od vas - od svoje dece.
Ovu neravnopravnu borbu koju vodite vi i nas narod za pravo naroda da
bira svoje predstavnike, morate da izborite sami. "Veliki" Zapad vam nece
priteci u pomoc. Velike sile "pomazu" malim narodima samo ako i one u toj
borbi imaju svoje interese. Srpski interesi i zelje srpskog naroda da zivi
u demokratiji trenutno ne nalaze odziva u usima "velikih". Zato nastavite
sa svojim mirnim protestima, i svojom upornoscu cete izboriti pravo, ne
samo vase generacije, nego generacija koje dolaze, da zivite
dostojanstveno i u drzavi zasnovanoj na zakonu i pravdi.
Svi mi potpisani smo srcem i dusom stalno uz vas. Nastavite sa svojim
mirnim protestima, ali ne dozvolite da se srpska krv prolije, naucite
nase starije da se u Srbiji stvari mogu i bez krvi menjati.
S verom u pravdu i lepsu buducnost koja je pred svima nama ukoliko
se ispostuje narodna volja iskazana na izborima, vasi
1. Dr. Mirjana Petrovic, Mississippi
2. Milan Pavlovic, New York
3. Dr. Rade Petrovic, Mississippi
4. Snezana Landau, California
5. Srdja Trifkovic, Houston, TX
6. Dr. Bozidar Travica, Indiana University
7. Bodie Plecas, California
8. George Panic, Canada
9. Tatjana Curovic, New Jersey
10. Dr. Aleksandar Kostov, Canada
11. Aleksandar Hadzi-Pavlovic, Alabama
12. Ivan Aksentijevich, Maryland, USA
13. Prof. Dr. Momcilo Miljkovic, Pensilvanija
14. Irina Miljkovic, dipl. Fiziko-Hemicar, Pensilvanija
15. Dr. Dimitrije Ivanovic, Njujork
16. Dr. Dragana Popovic, Florida
17. Srdjan Askovic, Mississippi
18. Slobodan M. Pesic, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
19. Igor Najfeld, Boston MA
20. Dr. Dragic Vukomanovic, Queen's University, Canada
21. Vesna Vukomanovic, Queen's University, Canada
22. Mirko Zagorac, biznismen, Hamilton, Canada
23. Jelena Vukomanovic, student, Kingston, Canada
24. Milica Vukomanovic, student, Kingston, Canada
25. Dr. Zoran Banjanin, Seattle, USA
26. Zoran Bucalo, Washington,D.C.
27. Miroslav Trajkovic, Sydney, Australia
29. Dr. Miroslav D. Filipovic, University of Westrn Sydney
30. Slobodan Petrovic,inzenjer,Britanija
31. Nenad Radakovic, Seattle, USA
32. Nancy Beric, Illinois
33. Predrag Pajic, Kongresna biblioteka, Washington, D.C.
34. Djurdjina Toporas Dragic, Njujork
35. Dragomir Popovic, Santa Clara, California
36. Milos Ercegovac, California
37. Zorana Ercegovac, California
38. Dr. Dragomir Bukur, Texas, USA
39. Zoran Mihajlovic, Boston, MA
40. Boris Radic, Toronto, Ontario
41. Don Mladenovic, Canada
42. Toma Iricanin,M.D.Oklahoma
43. Zora Iricanin,M.D.Oklahoma
44. Ljiljana Trajkovic, Berkeley, California
45. NEBOJSA DJORDJEVIC, Vancouver, Canada
46. Slavisa Zivkovic, Toronto
47. Dr. Sinisa Mesarovic, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
48. Prof. Dr. Miodrag Kulic', fizicar, Stuttgart, Germany
49. Prof. Dr. J. Peter Maher, Chicago
50. Dusan Cukurov, New Jersey, USA
51. Milan Erbes, Nica Francuska
52. Dragan Krupezevic, Bremen, Germany
53. Dr Zorka Papadopolos, Tibingen, Nemacka
54. Prof. Batric Pesic, University of Idaho, USA
55. Dr Dragoljub Markovic, Kopenhagen, Danska
56. Dr. Petar Milic, St. Louis, MO
57. Prof. Dr. George B. Cvijanovich, WFU , Winston-Salem, NC
58. Kosara Gavrilovic, Baltimore, MD
59. Prof.dr. Vladimir Krstic, Ontario, Canada
60. Prof.dr. Milan Vlajic, Ontario, Canada
61. Antonija Mitrovic, Novi Zeland
62. Dejan Mitrovic, Novi Zeland
63. Vesna Redzic, Vancouver, Canada
64. Dr. Tatjana Dragic, Njujork
65. Predrag Tosic, Illinois
66. Zoran Mrdja, University of Ottawa, Canada
67. Djordje Lj.Lazarevic, Silicon Valley, California
68. Dr. Vladimir Pavlovic, Toronto, Canada
69. Branko Karabuva, Perth, Australia
70. Dr. Robert F. Miller, Canberra, Australia
71. Zoran Markovic, Vancouver, Canada
Dear collegues, friends, sisters and brothers,
Please accept our support and offer for help.
Sasa Dimitrijevic, Dejana Dimitrijevic, Navid Malik. Alan Rhoden,
Begonia Carrenio, Ruth Duncan.
The School of Pharmacy
29-39 Brunswick Square
London WC1N 1AX
Dragi studenti, dragi radnici, dragi gradjani Jugoslavije,
primite pozdrave i punu podrsku od nas, sa Monash University-a iz daleke
Australije. Solidarnost Zauvek! Stavili smo "www link" na nasem home-page-u
koji je "www.cs.monash.edu.au/~ivanovic".
Ma koja zemlja koja smatra sebe demokratijom, zrelom ili nezrelom, mora
pruziti svojim gradnjanima priliku da iskoriste svoje ustavno pravo i
izraze svoju politicku volju. SVAKI glas, pa i onaj zadnji koji se ubaci u
sanduce, je vazan.
Sa ovim istorijskim izborima, sadasnja vlast je zapecatila svoju buducnost.
Pokazala se kao netolerantna prema volji svoga naroda. A kada se to desi -
onda je blizu KRAJ njene ere, i pocetak nove. Sve najbolje.
Gordana i Milos Ivanovic
Department of Computer Science
Monash University
Having gotten posts on this from HCA in Prague, (which I have forwarded to a
number of U.S. socialist and peace lists), and feeling that it is important
to give strong and immediate expression of support to the protests against
the current government in Belgrade, I am writing this letter without first
confirming that it represents an official position of either the Socialist
Party or the War Resisters League or the War Resisters International. It is
an personal letter of support, not official.
But as an individual has had held key posts in these groups and is aware of
their strong tradition of support for democracy, and of support for the kind
of massively nonviolenet, peaceful protests we have seen, I want you to know
that I, and many others, watch the television closely, and follow the
newspapers closely, and are concerned with how to move the U.S. government to
take some better position.
Obviously it is important the protests involve the workers and others, not
only the students, and we know this is a concern of yours. And so my own
message of support is to the full range of citizens there, youth and older,
students and workers, in defending free elections and in calling for the
ousting of the current government with it long, unhappy military record. And
I am sure that students in other parts of former Yugoslavia are rallying in
support of this powerful action.
With strong hopes that your nonviolence can remain steady under provocation,
so that your efforts cannot be written off by hostile elements.
David McReynolds
member, National Action Committee, Socialist Party USA
member, Staff, War Resisters League
former Chair, War Resisters International
Ovo je pismo podrske nasim dragim kolegama studentima u SVIM
univerzitetima u Srbiji. Na dajte se, Demokratija mora pobediti. Iako
fizicki daleko, mi smo moralno i dusevno sa Vama i ovo pismo je znak
100%-tne podrske nasem cilju -- pobedi Demokratije i pravilnim izborima u
Srbiji. Neka pobedi onaj koga su gradjani Srbije izabrali.
Vreme je da nasa zemlja krene u 21. vek, medjutim to nikako necemo
moci, dok god nam je vlada nalik onoj od pre 500 godina. Dosta je vise
diktatora iliti dozivotnih predsednika!
It is NOW time for the young people of Serbia to take the heritage
of our fathers and mothers and do with our country what should have been
done a LONG TIME AGO -- win one for Democracy!
The government will not underestimate the power of the people and
their choice of a new elected government.
YOU are seen all over the Globe, so keep at it. Imate nasu PUNU
Puno pozdrava iz suncane Kalifornije,
Stanislav Banic (BasCelik)
California State University, Fresno
Dear Students of Belgrade:
Lovers of freedom and democracy everywhere in the world are with you in
spirit. May you succeed in bringing justice to Serbia!
In solidarity,
Beth Kupper-Herr and Stephen Herr
members, Industrial Workers of the World
Oahu General Membership Branch
Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Dragi prijatelji,
ucestvovao sam u protestima '91 i '93. Nista nije vredelo, banda je uspela
da me otera iz zemlje, kao i hiljade mojih prijatelja, ucesnika tih
protesta. Greska koju smo mi napravili, a vi ne smete da ponovite, je da
smo izgubili fokus, motivaciju i strpljenje. Kao sto rece Zoran Djindjic,
mozete i morate izrzati dan duze od dusmana.
Svi mi, hiljadama kilometara od Beograda, Nisa, Novog Sada...svi smo sa
Ivan Stefanovic
West Virginia University
Medical School, Dept. of Physiology
Dragi studenti Univerziteta u Beogradu,
I ovoga puta ste pokazali da ste bili i ostali ono najbolje sto nasa
zemlja ima. Divimo se i ponosimo vasom hrabroscu, mudroscu i
dostojanstvom. Verujte da su nase misli i nasa nada sve vreme sa Vama.
S postovanjem,
Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic
redovni profesor Tehnoloskog fakulteta u Beogradu
sada na: Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Tufts University
Dept.of Chem.Eng., Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Drage kolege,
prvog dana vaseg protesta poslao sam vam par rijeci podrske, ponosan
sto ustajete da odbranite svoje pravo na buducnost a ocajan sto ne
mogu kao 1992 da budem sa vama, ocajan sto ne uspjevam da budem
optimista, da vidim svjetlo na kraju tog predugog i pretamnog tunela.
Danas je jedanaesti dan vaseg velicanstvenog protesta. Sa vama sam
svim srcem i, bez obzira na ovu uzasnu udaljenost, zahvaljujuci toj
vasoj divnoj energiji, volji, viziji, cini mi se da i ja uspijevam da
povjerujem ... Hvala vam!
Zao mi je sto opet ne mogu da dijelim te teske trenutke, pogotovu sto
nisam sa svojim mladim kolegama sa Arhitekture. Posebni pozdravi
njima, i puno, puno najljepsih zelja svima vama!
Dr Darko Radovic
The University of Melbourne
faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning
Dear friends
We,the Romanian students from Timisoara,have found out of your
action for democracy and justice.That's why we would like to tell you that you
can count on us.If you think we could help you please feel free to e-mail us.
Waiting for your answer,we wish you good luck and
Herzovi Olimpiu
Pop Adrian
Campian Mircea
Technical University of Timisoara,Romania
Students League from Computer Science Department
Dear friends,
With this message pax christi international wants to support all
democratic initiatives taken in Yugoslavia. We do sincerely hope
that the current activities will be organised in a non-violent way.
pax christi international
pax christi youth forum
I wish to express my support for the path to Democracy that the students are
It is quite obvious that Milsovic has no intentions of introducing a new
democratic Government into the region...
It is therefore imperative that you students not only continue your uprising
but also garner the support of the workers....
I realize this is easy for a person thousands of miles from the front to say
but it is history....
I wish all of you the best and pray that violence is not used....
The Serbian people have been through enough violence ...
With my deepest support..
Michael A. Berse
Devry Institute of Technology
Decatur GA
Dear fellow students,
Good luck with your protest that strikingly reminds me of the student
movement in
"Piata Universitatii" (University Square), Bucharest, Romania in 1990...
proof that people
are closer than they think. Hopefully it will not end the way the
Romanian one ended in june 1990.
A romanian friend,
Gabriel Istrate,
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Rochester,
Rochester NY 14620,
To Our friends in Belgrade:
We know that it is cold and snowy and that you are working very, very hard.
We stand with you and wish you success in your important efforts!
In solidarity
Ed Reed,
Lancaster County People's Alliance
Ed Reed, Chair
Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind
Associate professor, Psychology Dept
Franklin & Marshall College
Lancaster, PA 17604-3003
(717) 399-4426
Podrzavam miran protest studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Potrudicu se da o protestu i mogucnosti slanja podrske obavestim ostale
Jugoslovene koji su studenti na Univerzitetima Oksford i Kembridz u
Velikoj Britaniji.
Ranko Lazic
Doktorski student racunarstva
Oksfordski Univerzitet
Dear Friends,
We follow with great interest the events in Belgrade.
We sustain the students of Belgrade university in their actions and their protest.
With all our solidarity and friendly messages,
Univerzita Komenskeho
Gondova 2
Slovenska Republika
Na svojoj sednici od 2. decembra, Akademski Senat Filozofskog Fakulteta
Univerziteta Komenskog kao i Studenatski parlament Filozofskog
doneli su sledecu odluku:
PhDr. Frantisek GAHER CSc.
Da izbegnemo patetiku i skratimo pricu:
Punu podrsku snagama "haosa i bezumlja" salju "izmanipulisane i
zavedene" kolege iz
Cambridge University YU - Society.
Potpisi slede, a ovaj put izdrzite (nemojte da ko onomad '92 sve pukne
zbog prefa, jamba, muvanja i non-stopne zurke - znamo iz iskustva, vecina
Par nas ce vam se i pridruziti do kraja nedelje, ovde pocinje raspust, te
se usrdno nadamo da primate strance!
1.Vuk Jeremic, Physics
2.Vesna Kadelburg, Mathematics
3.Zoran Hadzibabic, Physics
4.Igor Devetak, Mathematics
5.Dr.Milica Rakovic, Economics
6.Dolja Dragasevic, English&Drama
7.Milan Hasecic, Economics
8.Dr.Svetozar Maric, Engineering
9.Dr.SInisa Mesarovic, Engineering
10.Anze Slosar, Physics
11.Maja Brala, Linguistics
12.Irina Nikolic, SPS - Social & Political Science (a ne ONO!!!)
13.Maja Kecman, Engineering
14.Dr.Aleksandar Prazic, Criminology
15.Sinisa Slijepcevic, Mathematics
16.Danijela Trenkic, Linguistics
17.Marta Zlatic, Biology
18.Marijana Vidakovic, Physiology
19.Zlata Djurdjevic, Criminology
20.Lorenz Wegener, Physics
Dragi studenti,
Britanske televizijske stanice su veceras po prvi put pocele da daju
detaljne izvestaje sa demonstarcija. (Posle toliko nasih pisama i
telefonskih poziva i red je bio.)
Mi, u Engleskoj, smo vas konacno videli kako po snegu hodate i prkosite
sirovoj Milosevicevoj sili. Verujem da je medijska lavina u Britaniji
pocela. Izdrzite! I ne dajte se provocirati!
Vi ste pristojni, obrazovani, hrabri. Vi ste najbolje sto Srbija ima.
Vasi protivnici su bagra i sljam. I to se vidi!
Dr. Sinisa Mesarovic
Cambridge University
Dragi Studenti,
Mi vas ovde mnozimo sa dva. Za svakog od vas u Beogradu, postoji jedan na
Novom Zelandu, Kanadi i SAD. Zato vicite za dvoje, mi smo sa vama.
Vladimir Mrvic
Northeastern University
BS BA 1989
Svima najpre jedan VELIKI pozdrav :))
Do pre par dana bio sam u kontaktu sa Studentskom Unijom Fizickog fakulteta
(slao sam poneki izvestaj o interesovanju nemackih medija u vezi svega sto se
kod nas desava), koji me je 28.11. uputio na novu adresu:
http://www.mi.sanu.ac.yu/~prot. Tamo me je, medjutim, sacekalo sve moguce,
samo ne ono sto sam trazio - aktuelne vesti u vezi studentstkog protesta.
Takodje je stajalo obavestenje da se ovaj URL nalazi u fazi "reorganizacije".
Ne pise ko, niti zasto ga reorganizuje, i kako ce izgledati kada definitivno
bude reorganizovan. Onda sam putem "Radio-mileve" saznao da su studenti
proterani sa univerziteta gde su organizovali raniju protestnu akciju, te sam
dosao do ove adrese. S obzirom da sam dva dana bio odsutan, ja sam svoju
poruku ipak ostavio na malopre pomenutu adresu "za svaki slucaj".
Kako sada vise nisam siguran ni da li je neko uspeo da je procita ili dalje
prosledi, ponovicu je (otprilike) i na ovom mestu, toplo se nadajuci da niko
ili neko i kod vas nece pokusati sa "reorganizacijom".
Prilikom mog vecerasnjeg razgovora sa direktorom internacionalnog tromesecnog
casopisa za nauku i umetnost DIALOGUE iz Pariza, Dr Bogoljubom Kocovicem,
zamoljen sam da studentima prenesem poruku sledece sadrzine:
"U ime redakcije i mnogobrojnih saradnika tromesecne revije DIJALOG, Pariz,
izrazavamo potpunu podrsku studentskom i svakom politickom pokretu u Beogradu
i u celoj Jugoslaviji - za uspostavljanje punog demokratskog poretka i
postovanje narodne volje izrazene na poslednjim opstinskim izborima."
Dr Bogoljub
Kocovic, direktor "Dijaloga"
Ovoj poruci i podrsci se pridruzuje i moja malenkost.
Sto se nemackih medija tice, i stampa je pre nekoliko dana konacno
"progledala". Najopsirniji izvestaji mogu se pronaci u najvaznijim nemackim
nadregionalnim dnevnim listovima. Tako, na primer, FAZ (Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung) od petka 29.11. donosi na pola strane izvestaj sa
protesta iz Beograda i drugih gradova. U gornjem desnom uglu velika
karikatura na kojoj je prikazan Milosevic koji sedi izolovan u tenku dok
okupljena masa oko njega (tj. tenka) demonstrira. Autor Matthias Rub u
podnaslovu napominje da "demonstracije podsecaju na marseve iz Lajpciga i
Praga". Uglavnom je veoma korektno preneto skoro sve ono najvaznije sto se
pomenutog dana desavalo u Beogradu. U nastavku je Z. Djindjic pomenut kao
"vodja ujedinjene opozicije" (Fuehrer der vereinten Opposition). Pomenut je
cak i Vlade Divac kao podrska demonstrantima u cetvrtak. Na kraju se
napominje da je upravo "pritiskom kroz ulice Milosevic dosao na vlast", a
svoje mesto nasle su i demonstracije iz 1991. kada je ista osoba (da mu vise
ne pominjemo ime) naredila izlazak tenkova na ulice.
Ovom temom se istog dana bavio i Sueddeutsche Zeitung koji je doneo
fotografiju srpske specijalne policije spremnih da svakog trenutka "ulete u
akciju". Time je sugerisan moguci epilog kakav niko od nas ne bi zeleo.
Do danas nedeljni listovi sa najvecim tirazom u zemlji (Focus, Stern,
Spiegel...) nisu posvetili niti najmanji prostor nasoj zemlji. Ocekujem da ce
nesto vise u njihovim sledecim brojevima krajem ove nedelje.
I danas je putem TV-a nastavljeno korektno izvestavanje iz Beograda. Pored
dve najvaznije drzavne TV stanice (ARD i ZDF), o protestima iz sneznog
Beograda sliku i ton preneli su i svi najvazniji pokrajinski TV centri (WDR,
Nord 3, Bayern ...)
Kracim "lutanjem" kroz druge programe video sam iste izvestaje iz Beograda i
na spanskom satelitskom programu TV - "Galavision".
Sa vasom dozvolom sutra bih hteo da prve dve strane vaseg homepage-a putem
fax-a posaljem nekim kolegama i vaznijim dnevnim i nedeljnim listovima ovde?
Svim srcem, dusom i duhom uz vas
Milan Vuckovic - Muenchen
slobodni Journalist i clan urednistva "Dijalog-a",
gl. i odg. urednik casopisa "KONTAKT" i strucnog casopisa
"Muenchner Zeitschrift fuer Balkankunde"
Postovani prijatelji,
svo ovo vreme pratim sta se desava i nadam se i svim srcem zelim da se
nista od onih slika iz Rumunije a potom Bosne ne desi u Beogradu.
Pre vise od godinu dana sam otisao iz Srbije sa gorcinom i osecajem da
sam oteran.
Prica o odlivu mozgova i pokusaji da se administrativnim preprekama mladi
i svesni ljudi zadrze kao taoci, nadam se, nece vise moci da se odrzi.
Ucinite sve da konacno dobijete svoje mesto pod suncem i na svojoj zemlji
a ne svuda po svetu. Dokazite da je buducnost sa vama a ne sa
pomahnitalim deristima koja voze `Ferari` i hvale se kako vole oruzje.
Svako u svojoj deci ima najbolje ogledalo sebe samog. Onaj koji vodi
Srbiju sebe prikazuje u pravom svetlu upravo preko svoje dece. Kriminal,
intrige, primitivizam i malogradjanstina, bahatosti i nipodastavanje
svega sto mu nije po volji vode Srbiju svugde samo ne u buducnost.
Budite ponos svojih roditelja i profesora. Ne cinite nista sto moze da
vas ukalja kao akademske gradjane. Svugde u svetu smo postovani kao
strucnjaci i zato dokazite i ovaj put da univerziteti i fakulteti sa
kojih dolazimo jesu mesta sa kojima se ponosimo.
Zelim vam mnogo srece i uspeha u vasoj borbi.
Zoran Mrdja,
Institute for Research on Environment and Economy
University of Ottawa, Canada
Dragi studenti,
Znam da je puno mojih drugova i rodjaka na ulicama Beograda poslednje
dve nedelje... Ne zelim nista vise od toga da budem sada sa vama ali
nisam u mogucnosti da to ucinim. Ipak, svojim srcem sam u mom i nasem
Beogradu i podrzavam borbu za demokratiju i bolji zivot u Srbiji!
Stevan Bulat
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
Uz vas sam svim srcem i zao mi je sto nisam u Beogradu sa vama.
Momir Stepanovic
Universite de Fribourg
Institute de Chimie Physique
1700 Fribourg
Dear fellow students,
Like any rational being, I fully support your demands for
democracy and justice in your country. I especially admire
your determination to refrain from violence, in a region that
has seemed to be ruled by hatred for such a long time.
I sincerely hope that your actions will be a sign of the
power of common people to conquer the hatred and injustice
seeded by the small minority of those currently in power in
your region.
Mark Vermeer
University of Twente
Enschede, The Netherlands
Drage kolege,
Zelim da znate da niste sami. Drzite se i istrajte.
Mislim na vas i navijam za vas svim srcem.
Miljana Horvat
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Bivsi student BU - Arhitektura
À vous tous,
Les représentants des étudiants de la Faculté de Sciences de
l'Université de Sherbrooke, appuient votre lutte pour vos droits.
Continuez votre protestation de façon pacifique et la démocratie ne
pourra qu'en sortir gagnante.
Nous nous engageons à faire connaître votre cause à tous nos étudiants
et de les informer de la courageuse bataille que vous devez affronter.
To all of you,
The representatives of the students of the Faculty of Science of the
University of Sherbrooke support you in this fight for your rights.
Continue your protestation in a peaceful manner so that democracy win
can win once again.
We will make a commitment to inform all of our students about your
courageous battle.
Le conseil exécutif de l'Association Générale des Étudiants et
Étudiantes en Sciences de l'Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
Charles Bransi
Benoît Laflèche
Ghislain Mailhot
François Émond
Christian Lalanne
Sandra Paul
Élaine Beaulieu
Sébastien Gauthier
Stéphanie Dion
Steve Bernier
André-Philippe Vachon
Maryse Berthiaume
Pierre Lévesque
Nathaniel Mallet
Jean-Marc DuPerron
Patrice Quévillon
Hubert Fortier
Dear Protestors,
Keep up the good work. Your efforts are inspirational. The leaders who
incited nationalistic hatred, killing, and chaos to opportunistically
advance their own power must no longer be leaders. The irrationality
that has torn your country must be reversed.
Richard Lethin
Concurrent VLSI Architecture Group
MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
545 Technology Square, Room 610
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA (617)-253-0972
Dear Students and Supporters of Democracy:
Your struggles and activism these past few weeks have been an immense
source of inspiration to us in the United States. Democracy can only
work if the government follows the will of the majority while
recognizing and protecting the rights of the minority. I, personally,
have been touched browsing this web page educating myself on what is
happening over there. Please, never give up the fight for democracy and
equality. An educated population is the key to success. University
students have traditionally been at the forefront of social change
throughout history. And it is this very bond, this desire for change,
that unites students around the world. Keep up the struggle and I wish
you the very best!
Alain Dang
University of California Irvine
I wish to add my support for the Serbian demands for freedom. I am
amazed that I live in a society where free elections are so taken for
granted that the majority of the population does not even vote. I pray
that your society will win the same freedoms most of my population
Kathryn Smith
Washington State University
We Chicanos and Mexicans in the USA know how important young people and
students are for democratic rights in any nation. I support your
struggle to bring true genuine democracy to your country and urge you to
unite with all young people who see the ballot and elections as the
primordial step towards a genuine human culture. When students
march, society listens. Seek a peaceful solution, an inclusive
solution, a principled solution which is a democratic solution. Support
us too, in Mexico and Chiapas especially were our indigenous
brothers/sisters face the same oppression. Peace and Justice in
Alex Garza
California USA
The world is watching - and listening. Keep it up!
Jim Walch
ass. professor, Stockholm Institute of Education
Dragi moji,
pre pola sata sam razgovarao sa Benom Jacksonom, predsednikom Cambridge
University Student Uniona. Tema je, naravno, bila vas protest i svi
njegovi detalji. Ben je bio sokiran nakon sto sam ga uputio u situaciju.
Mi smo, na Kembridzu, takodje imali strajk (jednodnevni naravno) ovoga
terma (protivili smo se predvidjenim kresanjima budzeta na polju viskog
obrazovanja), i oko 3,000 studenata je demonstriralo ispred gradske
skupstine. Dodgadjaj je nazvan "Velikom Pobedom", odziv je krsten
"fenomenalnim", a sve moguce TV i radio stanice, kao i novinari svih
listova su mu posvetili udarni termin. Kada sam mu malo objasnio Bastilju,
Politiku, MUP-postupi po naredjenju, Gutu Velickovica i ostale "levicare",
bio je zgrozen.
Anyway, da skratim, za sutra je zakazana vanredna sednica Presdednistva
CUSU (Cambridge University Students Union), na koju sam pozvan kao
posmatrac, sa samo jednom tackom dnevnog reda: Demonstracije u Beogradu i
stav Univeziteta prema istim!
Email podrske mozete ocekivati u roku od 48 sati, a Ben je izrazio
zelju da se poveze sa studentskim vodjama licno, i da sa njima porazgovara
o nekoj daljoj podrsci. Imajte u vidu da je CUSU, uz OUSU (Oxford Uni...)
najuticajnija studentska organizacija u Engleskoj, da je proslogodisnji
predsednik CUSU aktivni predsednik National Union of Students of Graet
Britain, kao i da Cambridge University ima "special relations" sa
Harvardom, Heidelbergom i MIT-om. Rec Kembridza ima nimalo zanemarljivu
specificnu tezinu na ostrvu, veliki procenat MP-ova je studirao ovde (a
po pravilu, svi bivsi studenti ostaju u jako dobrim odnosima sa
univezitetom nakon sto ga napuste)....
Ja u Beograd dolazim za jedno nedelju dana, i ako sve potraje do tada (a
nadam se da ako se to ne desi da ce jedini razlog biti usvajanje nasih
zahteva) jako bih voleo da se aktivno prikljucim protestu. Kome da se
Ajde, necu da duzim, ovo mi je vec treci put da vam se javljam, postace
vam dosadno da mi odgovarate!
Drz'te se!
Vuk Jeremic,
Department of Physics,
Cambridge University,
England, UK
Dear friends,
As acting International Secretary of the Dutch GreenLeft Party I strongly
protest against the suppression of the result of democratic elections by
the Serbian government. Especially I want to protest against the crackdown
of the Serbian government on the independant radio's such as B-92 in
Belgrade. The Dutch GreenLeft Party supports the courageous actions of the
Belgrade students for democracy and against the autocracy.
Kees Kalkman
International Secretary
GreenLeft Party of the Netherlands
E-mail: groen-l@dds.nl
I read daily about the events taking place in Serbia, and every time I
feel the chill of excitement and anxiety down my back.
Although I live in the United States, I was born in Poland and came to
this country in 1981, when I was seven. I followed the events of 1989
in my homeland as best as I could (I was still rather young then) but I
remember more than anything else the immense pride, the excitement and
the fear I felt for my people as I watched them from another continent.
I have a similar feeling now, as I read about your protests. Although
I cannot be with you in person, you are with me in my thoughts and my
prayers. I offer you my support, feeble and far away though it is, and
I tell others about the issues and ideas you stand for.
Good luck, be safe, be strong.
Matthew Wyczalkowski
Matt Wyczalkowski
Radiologic Computing and Imaging Section
Penn State College of Medicine
I send you encouragement in your fight for freedom and democracy. May
God shine on your efforts to end decades of war and suffering.
John T. Aney
Indiana University
I fully support the students and citizens of Yugoslavia
as the engage in their battle for freedom and democracy.
You will be in my prayers as you continue your struggle.
Good luck and Godspeed.
Dr. John O'Connor
Assistant Professor of Theatre
University of North Alabama
I told my students today (a small college outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) about your
protest, and now I will tell them about your site. You are very brave to risk the brutal force of a
man bent on perpetuating an authoritarian government. After all the suffering you have
endured in the war, there are still those of you who can find the courage to protest a blatant
defiance of popular will as expressed in the elections. Be strong, and know that the world is
supporting you.
Elizabeth Moore
Political Science
Beaver College, Glenside PA 19426
Dear Jelena and others!
I am keeping up with news from Beograd every day on CNN. Seven years ago, I
was a student just like you, out there in the streets of Czechoslovakia with
tens and later hundres of thousands of others, demanding democratic changes.
We did it and I am confident you can do it. The communists shut down the
newspapers that informed about the protests for a couple of days, just like
they shut down your radio stations. But the word spread around anyway.
The world knows what's going on in Beograd. What we also know, though, is
that the ordinary workers have not joined the students in their protests
yet. You should do everything you possibly and humanly can to get them on
your side. This is what was needed in 1989 to kick out our communists.
Greetings to Serbia! I wish you all well!
Michal Pozar
University of Wisconsin
PS I love your funny protests like spraying the parliament with insecticides
or throwing paper air-plaines against the government-controlled media
buildings. When we held protests in the streets and squares, we used to ring
with our keys and key chains to symbolize an end to the communist era --
"For Whom The Bell Tolls..."
Drage kolega i zemljaci !
Iako veoma daleko od vas, sa vama smo svaki dan u mislima i srcima.
Boli nas sto vam ne mozemo pomoci, ali vjerujemo u vas i VI CETE POBJEDITI.
Serbian Student Association at
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada
Dear Students:
Can you please send me the e-mail and/or Fax number of
Dragan Tomic, President of the Serbian Parliament
I have a few things to tell him!
Frederick Sweet
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri (U.S.A.)
Dear friends,
The luxemburgish students society in Vienna fully backs the protest of
students in Serbia in their request for the formation of a Republic
Electoral Commission with all political parties who took part in the
elections represented. We share your belief that
frauds have occured during the second round of the municipal elections
and that these should be looked into by an independent body. We
express our solidarity with the students of Serbia and wish you the
best of luck in the continuation of your struggle for the safeguarding
of democracy.
Ralph Hirtt
Greetings from Globalvision, the New York based producers of the human
rights TV series RIGHTS & WRONGS. We have covered B92 and anti-war
protests in the past and report on all just struggles for democracy and
human rights.
Keep us informed at rights@globalvision.org
People in the United States have been reading about your efforts with
respect and admiration. Do you feel you are being fairly coverered
danny schechter
executive producer
for Rights & Wrongs
But for an accident of geography, I am walking
with you and building brick walls with you. Your
well considered protest is not palyed in the
wings of history, but on center stage. We see
you. We support you and pray for your safety as
well as your victory.
Ann H. Gutting
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana
Your email message to the world has just been passed onto me throught he
IEARN Network.
Here in Australia we have seen on television the huge demonstrations against
your government and it is important for you to know that millions of people
around the world understand what is happening in Serbia.
I send you my best wishes in your struggle and wish you all a safe and
peaceful Christmas.
My very best wishes.
Alison Armstrong
Information Services Manager
Hoppers Crossing Secondary College
2 Fraser Street, Hoppers Crossing. 3029.
Victoria, Australia.
Fax: 03 9748 6645
Tel: 03 9749 3611
To the students of Belgrade University,
As a historian of democracy and a believer in that system, I support
your daring and important stand to defend the rule of law and the
maintenance and expansion of democracy in Yugoslavia. As the history of
democratic nations, and those on the path to democracy, has shown, there
are always forces that attempt to twist, block, or subvert the legal
forms of democratic government. Only steadfast vigilance, and the
willingness to protest and to inform the world, can prevent such forces
from increasingly making the shell of a democratic system the mere
mockery of the real thing.
As a professor, as a visitor to the former Yugoslavia in various
regions, and as a supporter of democracy, I encourage you to continue on
the peaceful, non-violent and extremely brave course you have chosen.
With sincere regards
Professor Randolph C. Head
at the Department of History
University of California
Riverside, California, USA
Dear students of the University of Belgrade,
I support all the citizens of Serbia in their peacefull action to demand for
their democratic rights. Via a donation to the Peace Council of Dutch
Churches I will support you in your actions.
Wim Brouwer
Academic Hospital Nijmegen
University of Nijmegen
The Netherlands
W.Brouwer@rther.azn.nl (Internet-mail)
I add my support to the many others for your efforts to bring democracy to
your country. Bravo for your great work at making change through mass
action and peaceful methods! Do not despair! Hope and progress are
possible! Tikkun Olam!
J'applaudis vos efforts, comme le font maintes autres, a rapporter la
democracie dans votre pays. Bravo pour votre action publique et votre
resistance pacifique! Ne desesperez pas! L'espoir et le progres sont
toujours possibles! Tikkun Olam!
Joyce Everett Lopas
Prof de francais a Chicago, Il, USA
Joyce Lopas
Middle School French
The North Shore Country Day School
Winnetka, Illinois
Never stop in your fight for democracy.
Use peaceful means to gain attention and do not resort to violence. Be
better than those who try to opress you.
You will win.
Mike Greehan
Publisher, BICYCLING Magazine
Svim demokratima Srbije
A tutti i democratici della Serbia
To all democratics in Serbia
Studentski parlament fakultete arhitekture iz Venecije, studentska stranka
I.?.?.V, urednistvo studentskog casopisa "Raccoglimenti", njihovi studenti
iz CIJELE bivse Juge, salju vam toplu i iskrenu podrsku. Nemojte
posustati, samo naprijed!.
Svaki dan pratimo sto se kod vas dogadja i brinemo se za vase zdravlje; svi
razumni ljudi su na vasoj strani. Nadamo se da ce ta bitka koju vi vodite,
biti inspiracija za tihu ali vrucu revoluciju i sa druge strane.
Senato degli studenti Architettura Venezia (IUAV)
I.?.?.V. lista studentesca
La redazione del periodico universitario Raccoglimenti, Venezia
Il Senato degli Studenti della facolt=E0 di architettura di Venezia, la=
studentesca I.?.?.V., la redazione del periodico "Raccoglimenti", gli
studenti provenienti da TUTTA la ex-Jugoslavia, vi mandano un caloroso e
sincero sostegno e vi invitano a resistere e a non mollare!
Ogni giorno seguiamo con attenzione ci=F2 che accade e siamo preoccupati per
la vostra incolumit=E0; tutte le persone ragionevoli sono dalla vostra=
Speriamo che la lotta che state facendo sia di esempio per una silenziosa ma
bollente rivoluzione anche oltre la Drina.
Senato degli studenti Architettura Venezia (IUAV)
I.?.?.V. lista studentesca
La redazione del periodico universitario Raccoglimenti, Venezia
The Student Union of University Institute of Architecture in Venice, the
student party I.?.?.V., the redaction of the university newspaper
"Raccoglimenti" and the WHOLE community of former-Yugoslavia Venice based
students, send you a warm and sincere support. Don't give up and hang on!
We hear of your troubles everyday and with lot of care. We want you to know
our concerning about your incolumity. The reasonable people support you. We
hope your struggle will keep on and on and be as an instance for an
unarmfull but blowing revolution beyond the Drina as well.
Senato degli studenti Architettura Venezia (IUAV)
I.?.?.V. lista studentesca
La redazione del periodico universitario Raccoglimenti, Venezia
Senato degli Studenti - Student Union
Istituto Universitario di Architettura - University Institute of=
I. U. A. V. - Aula C1 - Tolentini, S.Croce 191 30135 Venezia (ITALY)
tel: (+39)41/2571806 - fax: (+39)41/2571788 - e-mail:sds@iuav.unive.it
Presidente: Luca Paschini pschnl01@cidoc.iuav.unive.it
Vicepresidente: Carlo Bassetti cbassett@stud.iuav.unive.it
Cons. di Amministrazione: Fabrizio D'Oria fabdoria@stud.iuav.unive.it
Hello to the students of Belgrade University.
I would just like to express my support for your actions in opposing
the nullification of elections by the party in power in your
country. Please know that the students of my country are well aware
of your protests, and impressed with the determined non-violent
approach you have taken in opposing the injustices you face.
We will continue to pressure our own government to attempt to force
Slobodan Milosevic to concede his party's losses in the general
Good luck; our thoughts are with you.
Michael Willis
University of Michigan
We condemn the decision of the quisling Serbian Supreme Court to let
stand the annulment of municipal elections won tby the opposition party,
We call on Slobodan Milosevic to demand that members of his party who
lost the recent municipal elections step down.
We demand that the President of Serbia give voice to all of the people
by freeing the media of government control.
We urge the workers of Serbia to unite with the protestors in opposition
to the ruling party.
We implore all leaders of the free world to personally request of the
government of Serbia to honor the results of the municipal elections.
We ask that Mira Markovic pull that plastic flower out of your head and
replace it with something real! You're an embarrassment to the Serbian
We are with you braco i sestre. May God smile down on you.
Serbian Cultural Club, St. Sava
Chicago, IL
Once a upon a time, my grandmother told me,
there was a protest, in which everything alive
on this planet, even animals and plants, grouped
together and raised their fists . . .
Huge dark clouds appeared in the sky
Which made the humans, animals and even the plants wanting to run away
Cause they didn't want to die
But before they lowered their fists
God gave his children a spiritual stimulation . . .
He melted all the fists into one . . . One huge big fist
Which made the clouds drop snow
Which lighted the darkness
And the humans, animals and plants lived happily ever after.
United our power is subliminal
Much bigger than the biggest criminal
Gentle Giant
Read The Poetry Of A Soldier
Dragi prijatelji,
Ovo je samo kratka poruka Beogradskim studentima, da
istraju u svojim namerama u trenutku kada ih ceo svet gleda. Demokratija
u Srbiji, ako je ikada bude pociva danas na vama. Ne dozvolite komuni-
stickom gadu da pretvori Srbiju u zatvor, u Kubu u centru Evrope. Neka
ponistenje izbora bude poslednja igra koju je mali diktator spremio za
Risto Krstanovic
Tri-State University
Dragi studenti,
Citav svet sada gleda u vas i pita se da li cete izdrzati. Demokratske
snage nad tim strepe, neprijatelji slobode zele da vide trijumf vaseg
protivnika. Njegov poraz bio bi los znak za sve preostale diktature.
Ako izdrzite, bicete zapisani u istoriji tik uz ceske "barsunaste
revolucionare", cileance koji su hrabro glasali protiv Pinocea i duginu
koaliciju Nelsona Mandele. Svi su oni otvorili nove prozore slobode celom
Ono sto vi sada radite zato nije samo vasa stvar. Vasa pobeda bice i
pobeda svih nas.
Sa najdubljim postovanjem
Dragan Cicic,
novinar NIN-a i ovogodisnji
Niman Felou na Harvardskom Univerzitetu
Subject: Action for Democracy in Serbia
All democrats and freedom-loving people around the world, and among them the
members of the Romanian and Hungarian Lobby are watching closely and are worried
about the ominous political situation in Serbia.
In a desperate attempt to stay in office and to hold to the privileges of a
political class that has its roots in the unreformed communist past, President
Milosevici isolated Serbia from the world , and it is possible that the the
six-year old Yugoslav war will end with the war of Serbs against Serbs -as a
logical conclusion of his policies of intolerance, division and manipulation by
all means.
By annulling the results of the local elections, as well as banning the
Opposition mass-media, the Serb Government shows that it is a tool of political
terror, a last fortress of the totalitarian communism in a new Europe .By taking
the presidency to a new level of dictatorship, Slobodan Milosevici is no longer
fit for being President in these conditions anymore.
It is time that we stop the strategy of compromising with those who started one
of the most outrageous massacres of the postwar era, with those who continue to
maintain a tense situation that is detrimental to the wellbeing of all citizens
of Serbia and is a threat to regional stability and peace.
We, the undersigned members of the the Romanian and Hungarian Lobby declare our
support for Serbian democrats ; we support the voice of Hungarians and Romanians
and other nationalities living in Vojvodina , requesting the respect for
democracy in Serbia, the respect for vote and for universal human rights.
We ask the European Council, the governments of Russia and of the USA, the world
public opinion to do their best and assist the Serbian people in bringing
democracy to the country , in reintegrating Serbia into the region , into Europe
and into the international community .
Yours respectfully,
Teodor Lungu
Scientist, NASA/JPL
3938 Sunbeam Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Drage kolege
Sa uzbudjenjem i ponosom pratim vas protest. Borba za demokratiju
i slobodu je pravi zadatak za vase generaciju. Vi, koji se ne
mirite sa sumornom buducnoscu bez perspektive, dajete neophodan
primer. Vase uverenje da su promene moguce potrebni su gradjanima
Srbije kao katalizator nekog novog optimizma da je bolji i humaniji
zivot na dohvat ruke. Zato istrajte. Potpuno podrzavam sve vase
zahteve. Iako boravim preko sveta, posredstvom Interneta sam
svakodenveno sa vama.
Radomir Crkvenjakov,
(do 1993 g. profesor Bioloskog Fakulteta)
Silkonska dolina (San Francisko)
Dear Students of Belgrade:
My family and friends here in St. Louis are so excited about the success of
your peaceful rising against the repressive dictatorship of Milosovic. We
wish you EVER success.
The attached letter to your professors from me may interest and further
inspire you.
Frederick Sweet
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri (U.S.A.)
To my colleagues in Belgrade fighting for their FREEDOM:
All over the United States, the citizens are with you in spirit. In
particular, I know that in the tradition of our own revolution of July 4,
1776 we are in sympathy with your noble goals.
My family has read your Students' Declaration which says it ALL.
For your interest, I attached copies of the original American Declaration of
Independence and also the Bill of Rights from the American Constitution
written in 1789. Your students may be interested to see the similarities
between their present struggle and the one that was carried on here 220 years
With sincere best wishes,
Frederick Sweet, Ph.D.
School of Medicine
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri (U.S.A.)
Dear Students:
I am responding to your request for support from the international
academic community. I am an associate professor at a technical college
in the State University of New York; you have my heartfelt encouragement
in your work. The pictures on the Web brought to mind Prague, the
Phillipines, Paris, and Chicago--nonviolent outpourings which changed
their worlds and ours, too. I wish we had had this tool in the sixties
and seventies in the US to get our message out. Truly, the whole world
is watching you.
Be of good heart.
Joel Plotkin
SUNY Utica
Institutional ID not meant as an endorsement by the State University of
New York (unfortunately)
iskreno im pozheluvame uspeh vo pravednata borba za demokratizacija na
Vashata zemja i opshtestvo i priznavanje na pravoto na sloboden izbor.
Iskreno Vashi,
Sojuz na studenti na Pravniot fakultet i
Dragi studenti,
Evo vec dve i po nedelje pratimo vase hrabre proteste. Tek poslednjih
4-5 dana svetski mediji pokrivaju PROTEST 96 onako kako treba. Zabranom
B92 Milosevicevi pajaci su sami sebe sapleli. Sada je vazno da ne
posustanete. Odavde, iz Cambridge-a veliki broj nasih je vec otisao u
Beograd da vam se pridruzi. Mi koji smo jos ovde cemo doci uskoro.
Preko elektronskih mreza, saznajem da i veliki broj nasih iz Amerike
dolazi da vam se pridruzi.
Vasa upornost i postenje su vas doveli na rub pobede. Saznajemo da vam
se, u sve vecem broju, pridruzuju i radnici. Ne zaboravite: Vasi
protivnici su glupi i nesposobni i jedini razlog sto su toliko na vlasti
je njihova beskrupuloznost. Svojom pamecu i upornoscu vi cete pobediti.
Sa verom pobedu demokratije i slobodu Srbije, vas
Dr. Sinisa Mesarovic
Cambridge University
Cambridge, U.K.
The whole free world is watching while freedom is being trampled upon in
Yugoslavia. We in the United States join freedom-loving people everywhere in
demanding that the constitutional rights of citizens in Yugoslavia be protected
and that the results of free elections be honored.
Philip G. Hill
Professor of Drama
Furman University
Greenville, SC
Dear Students,
This is just to support your protest. As everybody I have spoken to, I
recognize that the cencellation of the second round of the election is
completely illegal, and that the orignial results should be completely
implemented. The violation of the human rights by Milosevic and his
friends is brutal and very reminiscent of the Stalin era.
I wish you good luck.
Sander van Deventer
Professor of Medicine
University of Amsterdam
The Netherlands
We, the undersigned, appeal to the United States government, the
European Parliament and the Canadian government to take all necessary
diplomatic steps to force the president of Serbia to comply with the
democratically expressed will of the citizens of Serbia in the local
elections. It would be tragic if the governments of democratic
countries allowed a communist leader to suppress the democratically
expressed will of the people of Serbia and Yugoslavia. There can be no
lasting peace in Bosnia without a victory of democracy in Serbia.
1. Djordje Stefanovic, Vancouver, Canada
2. Natasa Przulj, Vancouver, Canada
3. Marko Vasiljevic, Vancouver, Canada
4. Sasa Djolic, Vancouver, Canada
5. Bojan Bugarinovic, Vancouver, Canada
6. Milos Jovanovic, Eugene, USA
7. Nenad Ukropina, Vancouver, Canada
8. Dr Sinisa Mesarovic, Cambridge, U.K.
9. Igor Devetak, Cambridge, U.K.
10. Vesna Kadelburg, Cambridge, U.K.
11. Danijela Trenkic, Cambridge, U.K.
12. Anze Brzi, Cambridge, U.K.
13. Vuk Jeremic, Cambridge, U.K.
14. Dr Svetomir Maric, Cambridge, U.K.
15. Ana Suffredini, New York, NY, USA
16. Natsuko Kambayashi, Burnaby, Canada
17. Leonid Reyzin, San Francisco, California, USA
18. Nikita Imennov, Mattituck, LI, NY
19. Kathleen Fisher, Philadelphia, PA, USA
20. Seth William Goren, Philadelphia, PA, USA
21. Usbaldo Angel, Chicago, IL, USA
22. Afsaan Saleem, Staten Island, NY, USA
23. Sarina Berger, Cleveland, OH, USA
24. Yefim Schukin, San Francisco, California, USA
25. Maja Brala, Cambridge, U.K.
26. Vladan Mijatovic Zivojnov
27. Vera Mijatovic
28. Erabella Mijatovic Zivojnov
29. Vojin Janjic, Chattanooga, TN, USA
30. Vesna Bivolarevic, San Jose, CA, USA
This is to support your Declaration of Decency. I support all your demands
and I truly hope that you will maintain the non-violence and that democracy
will win!
Good luck!
Lijbert Brussaard
Professor of Soil Biology
Agricultural University
Dept. of Terrestrial Ecology and Nature Conservation
Bornsesteeg 69
6708 PD Wageningen
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 317 475841
Fax +31 317 475833
E-mail lijbert.brussaard@staf.ton.wau.nl
Postovani prijatelji.
dozvolite da Vam posaljem izjavu Ceskog helsinskog komiteta. Komitet je
imao svoju godisnju sednicu, kde smo se dogovorili da treba pomoci
demonstrantima u Beogradu i drugim gradovima Jugoslavije. Molim da izvinite
moj los prevod sa ceskog jezika, koji mozete slobodno korigirati.
Mirko Radusevic, novinar magazina Mlady svet
Ceski helsinski komitet i gradjani, koji su se sastali povodom Dana
ljudskih prava u Pragu 7.12.1996, izrazavaju podrzku gradjanima
Jugoslavije, koji ovih dana ponovno demonstriraju u beogradskim ulicama za
svoja ljudska i gradjanska prava.
Trazimo, da nasi predstavnici i pre svega Ministarstvo spolnjih
poslova CR, sa ostalim predstavnicima svetske javnosti primene pozitivan
stav prema demonstrantima u Jugoslavijia da svojom izjavom predstavnicima
SR Jugoslavije izraze svoju podrzku demonstranata:
- da nesmu biti krsena prava primljena ustavom (costitution) zemlje,
- da vlasti neupotrebljavaju nasilje protiv demostranata,
- da informacije o demonstracijama i zelje demostranata nece biti
cenzurirana u medijima,
- da budu postovani rezultati lokalnih izbora.
Ceski geadjani su sami pre sedam godina doziveli slicnu situaciju i
dobro znaju, kakav znacaj za demkratske zelje demonstranata ima podrzka
svetske javnosti.
Mi, gradjani koji smo se sastali na seminaru povodom Dana ljudskih
prava u Pragu izrazavamo tako svoj solidaritet i podrzku.
U ime 83 gradjana Ceske republike
Martin Palous
predsednik Ceskog helsinskog komiteteta
U Pragu 7.12.1996
Please know that there are many colleagues here who support you and
worry for your safety. I will contact my Congressman and Senator and
urge them to make America's support for your cause clearer and stronger.
Ralph Catalano
Professor of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
This is to let you know that you have the full and unambiguous support =
of the student population of Stanford. The Cabinet of the student union =
just passed a resolution in support of students in Burma, who are =
attempting to overthrow their dictatorship--the State Law and Order =
Council. I have asked the Vice President of the student association to =
offer a similar resolution in support of Belgrade's students.
For my part, I have been drumming up support for a solidarity vigil in =
your honor and on your behalf for the second week of January--I would =
have organized a vigil sooner, but a lot of students here are more =
concerned with finals than with events thousands of miles away (as they =
have a right to be, I suppose). Despite that, they, and I, hold nothing =
but respect and admiration for all of you.
Keep fighting the good fight. Down with tyranny, oppression, and lies. =
Down with Milosevic!
Tom Soule
Stanford University
Palo Alto, California, United States (near San Francisco)
Dear Freedom Protestors
Keep it going! The hearts of the world are with you. We hear
and see what is going on every night on TV. We will not let our
governments ignore your courageous protest.
Douglas Metzler
Associate Professor
Information Science & Telecommunications
701 School of Information Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh PA 15260 USA
Dear democracy demonstrators in Belgrade,
My expression of sincere, although distant, support for your
activities. Human rights are the right and responsibility of each and
every individual. I congratulate you on being able to take up you
individual responsibility for ensuring human rights and wish you the
success and courage to achieve your goals of greater democracy. And I hope
that you will be an example for all of us through your perseverance and
integrity of purpose.
Curtis Francis Doebbler
Department of Law
London School of Economics
and Political Science
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
The United Kingdom
Dear Students,
We support your efforts for obeying the election results and
introducing democracy in your country. Students and Staff of
the Auckland University:
Prof Dr Schwerdtfeger Peter, theoretical chemistry
Prof Dr Wright Graham, electrochemistry
Prof Dr Hisam Idriss, material chemistry
Mrs C.H.McLean, PhD student, Otago University, Dunedin, NZ (chemistry)
Mr Paul Kilmartin, PhD student, chemistry
Mrs Jadranka Travas Sejdic, PhD student, chemistry
Mr Tomas Lover, PhD student,chemistry
Mrs M.Hima, MSc student,chemistry
Mr Peter Robertshaw, Computer Network Manager
Mrs Yang Wang, PhD student, chemistry
Mrs Sarah Donnelly, MSc student,chemistry
Mrs Catherine Hobbis, technician
Jelena Smolic, student of Geography and Statistics
Mrs Ann Connor, purchasing officer
Mr Alan Grout, Chief Technician
Mr Jeff Boyle, technician
Ms Tatjana Smolic
Mr Alistar Mead, technician
Mr Peter Buchanan, technician
Mr Noel Renner, technician
Mr Michael Wadsworth, technician
Mr Dragan Vujasinovic, technician
Hail the student revolution in Belgrade! Stand your ground and never give up.
Tyranny should never be tolerated. On behalf of the 29,000 students at College
of DuPage we wish you luck!
James Saldana
Student Activist
College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL -- USA