Kosovo: Uranium

Zoran Djordjevic (bomba@EUNET.YU)
Fri, 16 Apr 1999 20:02:16 +0200

K O S O V O mejling lista
Kosovo@yurope.com je privatan forum za razgovor u vezi sa udarom
NATO pakta na SRJ. Lista sluzi kao dopuna vestima, sa temama
vazanim za zivot i prezivljavanje civilnog stanovnistva SRJ.

Iako od brojnih nevladinih organizacija iz zemlje i sveta kao i =
zabrinutih pojedinaca uporedo stizu upozorenja o koriscenju
osiromasenog uranijuma u smrtonosnom oruzju kojim nas danonocno zasipa
NATO agresor, nase zvanicne institucije za sad to opovrgavaju. Oni
tvrde da u do sada analiziranim uzorcima nisu nasli ovaj radioaktivni
element - ni u tragu.

Dr. Srpko Markovic, rukovodilac zastite iz Instituta za nuklearne
nauke "Vinca", kaze:
- Na svim do sada dobijenim uzorCima koje su nam doneli kompetentni =
organi analizom je potvrdjeno da su radioaktivno cisti. Uzorke nam
nisu donosili gradjani vec Gradski zavod za zastitu zdravlja u
Beogradu, vojska i policija, znaci lica obucena da ih prepoznaju. Prvi
uzorci su nam stigli iz Rakovice i Topcidera posle prvih bacenih
bombi. Do sada smo analizirali desetak uzoraka sa razlicitih
lokaliteta Beograda gde su bombe padale.
Na pitanje da li uzorke dobijaju svakodnevno, Dr. Markovic je
odgovorio da poslednjih nekoliko dana nisu donoseni...
- Bez obzira na sve upozoravajuce informacije o povisenoj =
radioaktivnosti izazvanoj radioaktivnim projektilima - nje nema. Iako
smo dobijali samo uzorke sa podrucja Beograda, licno mislim da ni na =
Kosovu takvi projektili nisu baceni. Zasto? Zato sto se uranijumski =
projektili zbog velike probojne moci koriste za unistavanje =
protivoklopnih vozila (tenkova, topova...) sto je vec uradjeno u =
Republici Srpskoj. Uranijumska zrna, koja jesu radioaktivna,
ispaljivana su tada na oklopna vozila RS iz avionskih topovskih cevi.
Istina je takodje da su ta zrna deset puta toksicnija od izuzetno
toksicnog cijan kalijuma, veoma su zapaljiva i trenutno razvijaju
temperaturu od 120 stepeni Celzijusovih. Da toga ovde nema, pokazuje i
to sto su nas do sada gadjali samo raketama "Tomahawk" i bombama. Ali
ukoliko bi usla kopnena vojska na teritoriju Jugoslavije, onda preti
realna opasnost da se nasa vojna oklopna vozila gadjaju ovakvim
projektilima - objasnjava ovaj strucnjak.
I u INEP-u (Institut za primenu nuklearne energije) koji analizira =
uzorke hrane za stanovnistvo, stocne hrane i vestacka djubriva do sada
nema potvrde o pojacanoj radioaktivnosti. Direktor INEP-a nuklearni =
hemicar Dr. Slobodanka Stankovic objasnjava:
- U do sada analiziranim uzorcima nismo pronasli nista sumnjivo. Ali,
da bi se to precizno ustanovilo, mora mnogo ozbiljnije da se radi. =
Prisustvo radioaktivnih cestica je inace jako tesko pronaci zbog cega
bi trebalo sakupiti sve uzorke do sada palih raketa. To zahteva stalni
rad, mnogo vremena i mnogo novca. Mi se trudimo da svaki uzorak koji
dobijemo uradimo valjano, ali sigurno da to trba da rade i drugi veoma

From: "Dragan Markanovic" <dmarkan@mgnet.co.yu>
To: <dmarkan@mgnet.co.yu>
Subject: Uranium
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 11:02:27 +0200

Tel: 00 44 1495 763389 Fax: 00 44 1495 769882
e-mail: cogreslab@aol.com Website: http://www.cogreslab.demon.co.uk

The public at large, both in UK and in Yugoslavia, are unaware that 30
mm bullets being fired by A-10 anti-tank aircraft and probably all =
Tomahawk Cruise missiles in this action contain depleted uranium (DU).
The development of these radioactive weapons is based on the fact that
uranium (atomic mass 238) is much denser than lead (atomic mass 207),
and therefore its kinetic energy is sufficient to penetrate tank
armour or concrete buildings more effectively than lead, prior to
detonation. The design of the bullet is to incorporate a long thin
cylinder of DU housed in a plastic sheath or "sabot". This means in
turn that the very small leading edge of the bullet peirces with
maximum impact. The same principle is used in Tomahawk Cruise
missiles, with the aim of piercing =
concrete obstructions rather than metal.
The bullets were used in the Gulf War , and some 1 million of them
still lie in the deserts of that region where subsequently the
incidence of leukaemias, cancer, and birth defects have risen sharply
as a consequence of the ensuing environmental radiation. The amount of
DU scattered around the Gulf war zone is given as 350 tonnes, but
including the nose cones of Cruise missiles and helicopter rotors, the
figure is nearer 750 tonnes. This is 27 TBequerels of radioactivity,
one fiftieth of the total alpha releases from Sellafield over its
entire operating history. The same is happening in Bosnia where DU was
also employed. Some 80,000 US Gulf War veterans now suffer from the
so-called Gulf War syndrome, whose symptoms are identical to radiation
sickness. The US military are well aware of this and are on record as
confirming 2.5mGy/hr at the surface of a DU shell, a dose equivalent
to a chest X-ray per hour. Each A-10 Thunderbolt 30mm cannon anti tank
shell contains some 275g (10.1 Bq). A single 120mm Abrams tank DU
shell contains 3kg of U-238 (111 MBq) of activity.
When DU bombs detonate, uranium oxide is formed in particulates of =
between 0.5 and 5 microns. These can be windborne several hundred
miles or suspended electrostatically in the atmosphere. The half life
of Uranium is 109 (ten to the ninth) years, so they do not decay. One
"hot particle" of this DU material in the lungs is equivalent to a
chest X-ray per hour for life. It is impossible to remove, so the
donated lung gradually irradiates the victim until death ensues. In
the use of DU both ground-based combatants and their targets are
almost certain to suffer long term radiation sickness and premature
death. The Pentagon view is that the short term effectiveness
outweighs the long term situation, but this is in error.
The public at large are unaware that these weapons are weapons of mass
destruction and have been requested to be placed, like cluster bombs,
on the Geneva Convention banned list.
It is said that the unprecedented use of Cruise missiles with DU
inserts in Yugoslavia will have the same effect as the Chernobyl and
Mile Island disaster. Again these calculations by eminent radiation
physicists are not being released to the media. In other words the
action of NATO not only In this respect but also, since they have no
UN mandate, are illegal, and likely to have a long term pernicious
effect not only on that part of Europe, but on their own ground troops
if deployed, and almost certainly on the refugees from the Kosovo
region. This may be partly why NATO is reluctant to engage ground
troops: You will see they are beginning already to wear submicron gas
masks on the CNN and other news program pictures. The Yugoslav
population however, together with aid workers and ethnic =
Albanians are largely unprotected.

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