Kosovo: Potencijalni problem vezan za treci NS most

Subota, 23:41 EST, 05:41 CET

K O S O V O mejling lista
Kosovo@yurope.com je privatan forum za razgovor u vezi sa udarom
NATO pakta na SRJ. Lista sluzi kao dopuna vestima, sa temama
vazanim za zivot i prezivljavanje civilnog stanovnistva SRJ.

Pretplatnik "Dusan Miladinovic" <mdusan@EUnet.yu> je preneo vest
na engleskom da treci novosadski most (koji jos nije bombardovan)
ima moguce greske u izgradnji tj. ogromni betonski lukovi navodno
mogu da uznemire tok Dunava. Iako je ova vest za sada neproverena, niti
joj znamo izvor, tu mogucnost treba imati u vidu.

From: "Dusan Miladinovic" <mdusan@EUnet.yu>
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 06:41:15 +0200

Saljite ovo sto hitnije kome god mozete.

>Subject: desperate warning
> I just heard of another bridge of Novi Sad being ruined. It is the
> one that was built in 1981. If NATO destroys the third one, which is
> be expected considering the latest developments it will flood the
> I know this for sure, my father was one of the civil enginieers
>supervised the building. He made the calculation The bridge was built
>in the early sixtieas, and my father had many problems cause he
>critisized the design of the bridge on THIS issue. The author of the
> bridgewas a big name of that times in YU.
> That bridge has HUGE concrete arches, if that arches fall in the
>Danube the quantity of concrete is enough to close the river bed.
>The Danube is the second biggest river in Europe, and these days
>the level of the river MUST be very high. Novi Sad is on a flat ground.
> Since the NATO officers claim that they know what they are doing,
>somebody of them should use elementary mathematics, and be aware
>of the consequences of their acts.

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