Jos jedan koji nista ne razume. Sta covek da mu kaze. Mislim da ce
stariji i elkoventniji od mene bolje umeti da se snadju.
Voleo bih da je covek koji je ovo pisao ovde sa nama, u BGDu, u
sklonistima ili na Trgu Republike. Voleo bih da shvati kako ovo sto se
desava nema nikakve veze sa Milosevicem. Voleo bih da shvati da bi svaki
narod morao da radi ono sto radimo mi. Voleo bih da mnogi to shvate, ali
sam pre neku godinu razumeo da covecanstvo mora da bude i vizionar i
zivotinja. To je jednostavno tako.
A na coveku, jednom, na meni, na vama, na autoru ovih redova je da odabere
stranu. Mislim da smo je mi svi odabrali, i da se sada jasno nalazimo na
svetlosti, kakav god mrak se nad nama nadvio.
Molim vas, odgovorite mu.
pozdrava, voli vas sve
Goran Milovanovic
Stop the war. It's up to you.
Fri, 2 Apr 1999 21:39:46 +0200
From: (Gotti Mirco)
Unjustly demonized!? Are you kidding? After exporting war into other
regions of former Yugoslavia, after the massacres you serbs performed
against harmless people which have been well documented by media to the
eyes of the world , you dare ask for peace!
Yes, it's understandable, bombs hurt. Yet who started all this? Who is
still committing crimes against innocents human beings in Kossovo? Are
you all kept ignorant by your government (better say dicatorship) about
what is taking place, about Kossovars forced to flee their homes when not
killed on the spot.
You' d better think it over a while. It's never to late to retrieve the
humanity that is in you.
I hope that air strikes will end soon , it's not a nice view even when
those who carry the greatest responsabilities are hit.
Please, if you really love peace struggle for a fair peace, where people
can live safely in their homes, not threatened by war criminals. Get rid
of milosevic and his bloody establishment. Come back into the world
community of Democracies.
Sincerely, Mirco.
God help you.
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